Leadership is Enabling an environment, where people find their own niche, perform with ultimate potential and transform!(Khalid Mansoor CEO-HUBCO)
In February 2017, I interviewed Mr. Khalid Mansoor (CEO HUBCO) for my research on leadership. He shared his views on business and leadership approaches in Pakistan. Following are the crux of his interview and most of his insights will be incorporated in my research.
AchievementsGreatest achievement are in the market. People normally tend to blow their trumpet, but the success is something which is really recognized by the market. People are really excelling in their respected jobs and at the moment HUBCO is engaged in 4.5 billion dollar project both by virtue of that the share of HUBCO has risen in new high top 145 rupees. It used to be 40 to 45 but it has one 145 and company at this position is very capable so that is what success of a company.
What is the key to your success?Staying Focused, hard work and Commitment is the real key to my success.
What are your values?Gratitude and Integrity
What’s your say on leadership?Five C’s that define leadership: Caring, Commitment, Compassion, Cooperation and Courtesy.
What makes you a leader?Honesty to live authentically; to live honesty, keeps our hearts and souls pure and our minds free of doubt or uncertainty. When we are honest, we know we are doing the right things.
How do you learn to lead?Effort, no matter the outcome, there is always value in the effort when the effort is authentic and well-intended.
The purpose of your leadership and lifeSacrifice, Tolerance and Unity with my peers.
How do you discover your purpose?Imagine, Belief and Achieve
Who inspires you? WhyAllama Iqbal. By the quote he says “Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand destiny is like the water of Nile: Water before the faithful, Blood before the unbeliever”
What drives you?Vision provides the avenue to take our lives to wherever we want them to go. Our vision reminds us that we are always capable of learning and growing into who we want to be and give back to your country.
What are you passionate about?Passionate for goals, when your attitude exceeds your ability, then the impossible becomes possible.
What worries you most? We are all different, yet we are all the same in the sense we want to be respected for how we think and believe. When we show the proper respect we are not only validating the other person’s dignity, we are also enhancing our own.
Role of your parents in your leadership?The presence of love in our life, the love we have for our parents is the single most important source of light and energy we can tap into when we have the need to be filled-up; or when we see the need to fill someone else up with grace, hope and our love
The future of Pakistan in the upcoming yearsIt’s a blessed nation and it will progress if we give this nation a sincere leadership. If you eliminate biasness from this nation, people will give you wonders to progress.
What strategy you follow to change the brand of HUBCO?This is a continuous process as you are aware of USP that brings to the table and our logo is the reflection of what we are planning to do.
As a leader you hold value, or you ever compromise your value?I never compromise on my values. I fight with people if there is an ethics issue and take strong action against such activities which are affecting the culture of the organization.
What is your leadership style?The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.
What’s your view on failure?There are 2 ways of meeting Failures: 1) you can alter the Failures, 2) you can alter yourself to meet them.
Your advice for youngsters The greatest discovery of my generation is that you can alter your life by altering your attitude. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. Everything starts with an attitude.
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