HR plan

why HR professionals need to have an HR plan? discuss its merits and demerits


  1. Human resource is an organization's most important asset; through which various avenues of success can be attained.

    For HR managers, planning in this regard is of vast importance so as to be able to cope with the ever changing dynamics of the society.

    Merits of the HR plan include:
    1) HR plan enables managers to prepare ahead of time and go a step beyond competitors in the global market.
    2) HR plan supports various forecasting and budgeting that various departments are engaged in. Proper HR planning is necessary for all other forecasts and company operations to carry out effectively.

    1) Unnecessary biases based on personal evaluation can offer hamper the HR plan.
    2) It may be too difficult of a task to prepare regarding your human resource ahead of time and can be time consuming and costly.

    Furqan Rafiq

  2. HR plan is the base of how this department is supposed to function. Managers need this plan because this way they are better able to set directions/priorities, get everyone on the same page, it simplifies decision making and is a better platform to communicate HR policies to all the individuals working. HR planning is done keeping in mind the basic needs of employees thus; motivating factors surely depend of how well this plan is prepared, executed. However, HR planning also has its demerits. Once this planning is done, it is usually not revised thereby ignoring the recent changes.

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  4. HR professional needs to have HR plan because without proper plan you can't do your work properly and HR planning refers to the systematic planning on day to day basis in order to achieve the optimum use of organisation's valuable assets that it's Human resource . The objective for which the HR professionals need the HR plan is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, and taking care of manpower shortages or surpluses and resolve problems between workers below are the merits and demerits of HR plan

    Human resource planning takes a proactive approach to meeting the company's needs.

    2-Employee Development
    Another advantage of human resource planning involves employee development.

    One disadvantage of HR planning is unexpected influences of external outcomes, e.g., recent global economic recession , change in government policies Other disadvantages are that it's time-consuming, costly, complex, and techniques and strategies can be complicated.

    Zohaib Ahmed khan

  5. HR plan is a document which set the programmes that are required to practice human resource management. Its helps the HR managers to help the department to achieve its mission and goals through design and implementation of HRM programmes.
    The HR plan takes a proactive approach to meeting the company's requirements.With a proactive approach, the company anticipates future needs, evaluates the company's current workforce and determines what actions to take to prepare for the future. Another advantage is employee development. Disadvantage can be cultural thinking of an employee which may not match. Another disadvantage is the high cost of an HR department which company has to bear.

    Saud Ahmed

  6. HR managers require plan like all other managers to effectively set objective and subsequent goals to achieve those objectives. These plans are essential in order to ascertain what type of talent is required by the company and where HR should focus its attention.
    Part(2) - HR plans restrict innovation and spontaneous idea making or brainstorming which is sometimes highly required, on the other hand absence of a plan may lead to confusion and poor performance since there would exist no clear outline.

  7. HR managers have to deal with people within and outside of the organization. A plan enables them to oversee what are the current requirements of the organization and what processes and procedures can be followed to fulfill those requirements. And not only him, but other people from other departments might have to follow the plan made by the HR manager.
    The plan enable him to not get confused amd follow the guidelines provided by the organization and the requirements of the work.
    It would also save him time and effort to repeat making the plan for future practices.
    It is time consuming and requires a lot of effort to make.
    It is very detailed and comprehensive, will enable him to follow for many processes.

  8. HR plan is a framework that is essentially required to successfully achieve the longterm goals by enabling the HR to be involved in building and supporting strategic planning and likewise achieving business objectives. This framework gives the direction to the HR managers and makes clear for them their objectives and direction of work. It is an essential requirement for HR managers to have a plan as a plan forms the foundation for successful achievement of tasks.
    Having an HR plan brings with it great merits some of the most prominent of which are as follows:
    • Knowledge: with an HR plan it becomes easier to share knowledge and also at the same time expand knowledge relevant to the job, room for irrelevant sharing of information is minimized
    • Saves time: having a preset HR plan enabled managers to have a clear direction, they don’t have to waste their precious work time and deciding what to do but with a pre decided plan they can concentrate on its execution. This also helps overcome the knowing-doing gap
    • Future leadership: with an HR plan also comes a succession or workforce plan, these plans are highly helpful in a volatile, fast-changing economy, whereby sustainable performance can be maintained by providing a better basis for decision-making about the future needs of the business in terms of its people resources.
    Its demerits are very few, some of which are:
    • Making HR plan is time consuming
    • Requires farsightedness and special skills and expertise
    • Need to be continually reviewed and developed

  9. Plan is the main idea that a manager or a planner has in mind from the beginning. Planning leads to action and to get the work done according to expectations for that proper planning method is required. The HR managers are responsible for people related activities in the organizations. The basic purpose is to retain and hire the right talent in the company. HR plan would guide them how things should work within their hierarchy. What work needs to be done more importantly HR professionals need to be updated for the workforce requirement. They plan how much hires should be done and what type of job description to be assigned to different level of talent. So basically HR planning is all related to look for the right people with right talent.

    One biggest merit of HR planning is that they have an action plan and things are clear in front of them what to do next if there's any critical scenario. When to hire people, how to hire them (methods of recruitment), how to keep them engaged within the organization(bonuses and perks),how to bring satisfaction to the employees and how to retain the right talent.

    One of the demerit of HR planning could be that the plan maybe obsolete or the plan maybe overlooking the industry trend. It might look that the employee are okay with the plan but there might be something wrong with other things. The plan might not work for the situation that organization may face as a calamity.

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  11. Human Resource Plan(HRP) is an asset for hr managers, their backbone and a key feature to run the hr department effectively and efficiently. HRP is essential in order to find the right person, for the right job, with the right skill and at the right time. Hr managers require it as so progress, implement and revamp their system according to the needs of the organization.

    HRP should be properly alligned with the corporate strategy and implemented accordingly. It is used as a guide to aid in critical decision making and when faced with new circumstances or challenges.

    It helps for future leadership, saves time and reduces costs.

    Utter dependency on it may result negatively, as there would lack of innovation and state of the art processes. This way the company and the employees would face problems to cope up with the rapidly changing techniques and business strategies around the globe.

    Hence, HR Plan should be reviewed on a continuous basis and establish standards that are par with the market and industry.

  12. Every organization have its goals. HR plan is necessary in order to achieve those goals.HR departments utilize various tools to ensure they select the right people at the right time. Following are the merits and demerits of HR planning:
    MERITS: HR planning assists the organization in anticipating the future trends in the demand and supply of labour. HR planning will save time and cost. It forms the basis for all HR activities including recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and compensation fixation and employee retention.

    DEMERITS: In HR planning, the risk is that you overestimate staffing needs and end up hiring more employees than you need .Another disadvantage of human resource planning is that the time and effort used in retraining employees could have been used by the employees to offer services or produce more goods.

  13. Human resource planning involves training and developing the employees for the current and future business needs. Organization should carry out human resource planning so as to meet business objectives and gain to competitive advantage over competitors. Human resource planning the present state of organization with its future goal. Hr planning sets strategies includes 1) forecasting labor demand and supply (predicting), 2) setting future goals 3) implementation and evaluation.
    1) Through human resource planning an organization can achieve goals and objectives.
    2) Through Human resource planning an organization can forecast and remains proactive for demand and supply of labor. Such as manpower shortages and surplus.
    1) It is quite expensive for many organization not only in terms of cost but business invest a great deal of time in human resource planning.
    2) In short run It might be un productive.

  14. HR plans are there to ensure staffing is sufficient qualified amd competent to achieve company's goal and objectives . It is also used to lower employee turn over and keeping a HR plan helps company to evalute themselves so that they are able to compete with other companies in the market .

    Merits of HR planning :-
    1.HR Plan helps company to identify current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve it goals.
    2.serves as a link between the
    company and its resources
    1. Hr plan can be wrong .
    2.some times he plan assumes stuff that will be done in future and over looks the companies strenghths.

  15. HR plan is something which is very important to any business. Basically HR plan is all about the employees and the strategies they make at some point. The plan is to make make right correct decisions with the help of the correct employee and at the correct time. For example if a company is not doing good then the CEO must know which employees can help and in which way.

    It will lead to success.
    Secondly right skills will be used at the right time.
    Thirdly employees will be motivated to become that useful asset for their company which is going to help them at the correct time.

    Companies may go wrong in the selection of the right employee which will lead to bad results.
    Secondly Some workers will be demotivated if they are not used by the company at all times.
    Nashmia najeeb. 14878

  16. It links HR management directly to the strategic plan of an organization. Most mid- to large sized organizations have a strategic plan that guides them in successfully meeting their
    missions. Organizations routinely complete financial plans to ensure they achieve
    organizational goals and while workforce plans are not as common, they are just as
    important. An HR plan helps you to make to HR management decision that will support the future direction of an organization.
    The merits of HR planning is that it helps in a budgetary point of voice as in helps in you can factor the costs of recruitment and training. The demit is that a manager can pressure and impose their preferences on the employees.
    Rabiya shafiq -13359

  17. HR plan is an organization's most valuable asset, as every organization have its goals HR plan is necessary in order to achieve those goals. it helps an organization to make right decision in future by selecting right people at right time. MERITS: HR planning helps the organization in understanding the future trends in the demand and supply of human resource. it is cost effective and time saving, correct decision at right time. DEMERITS: very difficult job as it is very time consuming

  18. Plan is an initial and essential element. Phase 1 of almost everything starts with planning.
    Likewise hr department needs a plan too like any other department.

    If the company is efficient, they would have plans for almost every thing. As in the corporate world nothing is spontaneous. The decisions are made according to plans that were long taken under consideration. All the circumstances are considered. Both positive and negative.
    Mainly HR plan is about getting the right candidate for the right job. This might sound easy but is hardest thing to do. Planning is used by HR to select right talent that will shine in the company in future.
    Demerits of planning include killing the creativity, diversity and spontaneous ideas that might be profitable for organisations.

  19. The objective of human resource (HR) planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. It is choosing the right person for the job at the right time and place. H.R managers need H.R planning because it provides a framework to support business plan or goals. It acts like a blueprint for H.R managers which they follow to achieve the desired objective. They are made to deliver fair and equitable rewards, to improve employee performance and to streamline the organization's structure. H.R plans are shaped by business plan which are shaped by corporate plan.

    Merits of H.R Plan:

    1. H.R plan enable managers to have a clear direction, they don’t have to waste their work time and deciding what to do.
    2. It offsets uncertainty and change.
    3. It provides scope for advancement and development of employees through training, development etc.
    4. It helps to foresee the need for redundancy and plans.

    De-merits of H.R Plan:

    A primary drawback of an H.R planning system is the costs. It typically takes more human resources personnel or dedicated time to pro-actively plan for employment needs than to react to situations as they come about. One of the risks of proactive planning is that you may go too far and create worse problems.

  20. For small businesses and large conglomerates alike, the human resources or personnel function can be helpful for much more than simply processing payroll or handling the open enrollment season once a year. Human resources plays an essential role in developing a company's strategy as well as handling the employee-centered activities of an organization.

    Advantages can be as follows :

    1) Human Capital Value
    2) Budget Control
    3) Conflict Resolution
    4) Training and Development
    5) Employee Satisfaction
    6) Corporate Image

  21. For every department in any organization preparing a plan is must. Without a proper plan, the execution is mostly inaccurate. Planning includes all the important factors of the task that is to be performed.
    1. Lesser confusion even in case of emergency.
    2. Easier to compare outcome with the requirements.
    3. Helps in continuing the focus on the task.
    1. Editing becomes difficult specially in HR plans.
    2. Incompetent managers might make easy to achieve plans and enjoy appraisal easily.
    3. Environment and SWOT analysis might change largely from preparation to the execution of the plan.
    Haris Amin.

  22. We have studied that that links the human resource needs of an organization to its strategic plan to ensure that staffing is sufficient, qualified, and competent enough to achieve the organization's objectives. So in short HR plan is a roadmap to grow your people.
    A good HR plan helps to satisfy the individual needs of the employees for the promotions transfers, salary enhancement, better benefits etc and causes the development of various sources of human resources to meet the organizational needs. Whereas the disadvantage of HR plans that it can be quite expensive and time consuming.
    According to Edward E. Lawler III, Josh Bersin and many other authors, HR should start focusing on Talent Management and Talent development because the world of Talent Leadership and HR will undergo dramatic change in coming years. So it’s time start HR planning to redesign and reskill the HR functions for future.


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