In today's seminar Mr Salim Mazhar ( Head HR toyata motors ) and Gahuar Ali( Head HR Bayer pakistan) discussed Strategic Human Resource Management , How do Organizations view HR and the performance culture . Mr Salim stated that “ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS ARE THE PART OF EVERY LEVEL OF SENIOR COMMITTEE”. He discussed the changing imperatives . I believe that the organization is in a process of change and from values to attitude everything is changing . The career employment is declining and the recruitment process is changing . The recruitment process is very long and expensive . The criteria is set by the organization to recruit people . One of the criteria is the intellect of an individual . One with a higher level of intellect is more likely to be hired . For an organization , HRM should have a strategic direction and the survival kit is the organizations self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competency building. The challenge for the organization is to change the mindset of the people . I loved the way he explained the major threat to HR . According to him the major threat to HR is to see a body without a soul . This means that organizations have a fancy ambiance but the talent inside does not exist . Their creativity just lies in their brochures . The corporate strategy plays a major role in HR . It helps identify a mission and then achieve those goals through plans . One more topic discussed was the SWOT analysis . This is the strength , weakness , opportunity and threat of an organization . It was interesting to learn different types of emphasis in relation to the corporate body , mind and soul .
Mr Gohar Alam Siddiqui discussed Performance culture and the tools of performance management . He stated that “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” in order to work efficiently . In order to perform a climate of appreciation should be created . Work recognition and rewards are being referred here . One major thing which was discusses was that in todays world Responsibilities are increasing whereas the supply of talent is decreasing . He gave some really interesting examples regarding the mindset of people and the conditional and unconditional regard . To conclude I would say that Both the speakers believe that Mindset of people is affecting HR and once we change that or learn it then we will be successful .
It was indeed an enriching experience today. I thoroughly enjoyed the speaker’s session today as it allowed us to touch base with industry professionals.
• First thing I learnt was the importance of strategy in human resource management. Mr. Salim Azhar highlighted the changing trends in the business environment and how increasing business complexities mean more opportunities. Employee values are changing, superior resources are becoming scarce, and so on. In order to preserve good values in the workforce, positive reinforcement is being employed to encourage certain behaviours. The challenging duality has prompted the need for 'thinking' people who are essentially intellectual. The changing climate has not only made job search difficult for job seekers but also for the recruiters. As such, there is a demand for selective minds to solve those complexities. Hence, the human resource is literally considered as a 'resource' and an asset. Every creative, problem solving idea contributed by the workforce is rewarded. It is what drives the workforce by providing a direction. Ultimately though, it all boils down to ‘strategy’. Without a well-developed strategy, the execution is more likely to be clumsy. So, strategy is at the heart of human resource management because it aids goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the critical elements of a leader – a leader envisions the future and sets the direction. This direction is strategic in nature and guides the workforce (or an organization for that matter) towards the objectives. So, strategy is a key component of human resource management and a lot of HR managers find it to be indispensible to their job. • However, acquiring these intellectual minds is only one aspect of human resource management - retaining them is another important one. This was very well explained by Mr. Gohar Alam, who spoke about performance culture and 'regard'. Mind set influences one's perception of the performance culture. In short, performance is greatly tied to psychology, which is another domain managers must consider. The reward system that is instated at many organizations is meant to reward good performance. As Mr. Alam explained, performance can be categorized under any of the 4 types of 'regard': unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive, and conditional negative. And it is almost cyclical unless a positive gesture is returned with appreciation. Appreciation matters because it is a useful way of retaining employees. The present atmosphere is such that lesser experienced individuals are acquiring jobs with more responsibilities, which necessitates skills development. The focus on retention is where 'regard' kicks in. Regard allows us to understand the continuity of good performance after an individual is rewarded. Reward here does not imply monetary rewards but appreciation also works to enforce good behavior among employees. So, I learnt that appreciation is also a powerful gesture that encourages employees to keep up their good performance. Lack of appreciation however pushes an individual to the cycle whereby one moves from unconditional positive regard to unconditional negative regard.
Today in IOBM HRM Conflux seminar which took place in IOBM auditorium. They invited two guest speakers. Firstly Mr. Talib Karim talks about the changed which took place in the industry of Pakistan. He said that our Institution was the first institution which introduced HR as a major in Karachi. In the earlier stage or industry both Multi nationals and family owned companies didn’t think that HR has an important role in our Industry. But with the hard work of few individuals who changed the concept of HR in our industry. He further described his experience in banking sector. Then Mr. Salim Azhar who has been working in the Toyota Indus Motors as a Head of HR told us the importance of strategy in human resource management & highlighted the changing trends in the business environment and how increasing business complexities mean more opportunities. Employee values are changing; superior resources are becoming scarce, and so on. In order to preserve good values in the workforce, positive reinforcement is being employed to encourage certain behaviors. The challenging duality has prompted the need for 'thinking' people who are essentially intellectual. The changing climate has not only made job search difficult for job seekers but also for the recruiters. As such, there is a demand for selective minds to solve those complexities. Hence, the human resource is literally considered as a 'resource' and an asset. Every creative, problem solving idea contributed by the workforce is rewarded. It is what drives the workforce by providing a direction. Ultimately though, it all boils down to ‘strategy’. Without a well-developed strategy, the execution is more likely to be clumsy. So, strategy is at the heart of human resource management because it aids goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the critical elements of a leader – a leader envisions the future and sets the direction. This direction is strategic in nature and guides the workforce (or an organization for that matter) towards the objectives. So, strategy is a key component of human resource management and a lot of HR managers find it to be indispensible to their job. After Salim Azhar, Mr. Gohar Alam who is currently working as a Head of HR in Bayer Pakistan spoke about performance culture and 'regard'. Mindset influences one's perception of the performance culture. In short, performance is greatly tied to psychology, which is another domain managers must consider. The reward system that is instated at many organizations is meant to reward good performance. As Mr. Alam explained, performance can be categorized under any of the 4 types of 'regard': unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. And it is almost cyclical unless a positive gesture is returned with appreciation. Appreciation matters because it is a useful way of retaining employees. The present atmosphere is such that lesser experienced individuals are acquiring jobs with more responsibilities, which necessitates skills development. The focus on retention is where 'regard' kicks in. Regard allows us to understand the continuity of good performance after an individual is rewarded. Reward here does not imply monetary rewards but appreciation also works to enforce good behavior among employees.
And lastly Mr. Shiraz Ahmed who is a faculty, public speaker, corporate facilitator and coach. who has worked with professionals of US, UK, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and Africa. who has spoken and facilitated sessions to local and foreign diplomats , Global CEO, Executive Director and Institutional heads. He talks about the change which will happen in Human Resource Management. He said that this field like some other fields will change in near future with the help of technology. Now technology will perform a major role in Human Resource Management. He also briefs us about the ineffectiveness of curriculum vitae. He said that curriculum vitae don’t represent your capabilities and many employees exaggerate in their curriculum vitae. So you have to decide from that employee in that interview process that he is capable of your requirements or not. And he said that in near future employer not require your CV they will access all your information from internet and as an employee you should maintain your good information on internet and make sure that your name can be search from internet put all your assignments on and make sure while using internet that you make social contacts and in the end check your score on In the end he showed us some inspirational videos to motivate us.
HRM Conflux Mr. Salim Azhar (HR Director- Indus Motors) Mr. Salim gave the major description about HR. Firstly, Describing HR as key players of any company. Then giving example of Engro and Indus Motors where he worked and how he and his group members solved the problems by developing value, good governance and mindful for employees. He even said that when Toyota did a survey last year they found out that Indus motors had raked top 5 in global HR management. Mr. Salim gave some points about the changing imperatives which were Business complexities; Employees cannot be taken for granted, Greater scarcity of recourses, Employee values and expectations, Employee engagement, Process of recruitment. Then the challenging dualities were discussed, pointing that roles keep changing and intelligent people observe things with change. He usually pointed out that people do bring new ideas but that doesn’t mean that they are usually right and that thing becomes a challenge. To solve these challenges managers need to work smarter with creative suggestions as he gave the example of saving time by parking the cars easily and saving seconds, so gradually saving those seconds will lead to saving hours. He said that there are many ways and it is our job to select the right way by discussing it with employees. He also discussed that the major threat to HR is body without a soul, pointing out that a company’s inside talent are usually not known. However he came to the conclusion that HRM should have a strategic direction with challenge of changing the mindsets and attitudes, as product & processes alone will not deliver. And finally he discussed that a role of model is to set directions, affirm value, empower, build trust, experiment and recognize as he gave example that if students write their favorite teachers name than most of them will write those teachers from whom they are inspired.
Mr. Gohar Aslam Siddiqui: Mr. Gohar discussed about the performance culture, saying that performance management is the tool to learn mindset and to learn mindset there comes status. He then said that jobs are getting bigger and that means that responsibilities are increasing. And by saying that he pointed that HR is not developing and so current job cannot be done with development. It was then discussed that supply of talent is getting smaller and due to which development of skills is very much necessary. He pointed that in future less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs. He then showed some slides pointing that the companies who have low performance culture are those where manager thinks that employees are lazy, dumb, defensive and underperforming and so they are strict, controlling, commanding which results in employees being shy, reserved, passive and cautious. On the other hand the companies with high performance are those where managers think their employees are intelligent, diligent and proactive so they are empowering, supportive, caring, demanding which leads to employees being proactively, open minded, high performing and innovative. Order of regard was also discussed; examining that regard is respect, reputation, honor and that regard is of four types: Unconditional positive regard (which is basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does) , Unconditional negative regard , Conditional positive regard (It is where positive regard, praise and approval, depend upon the employees) , Conditional Negative regard ( It predicts feelings of resentment toward employees, which then predict deregulation of negative emotions and disengagement ) Submitted by: Sidra Gulzar (14163)
Today’s session has been a valuable addition to my knowledge on HR, as it has allowed me to have an insight into how human resource is being dealt with in the Pakistani environment. • Mr. Saleem Azhar- Head HR Indus Motors emphasized the fact that all individuals are key stakeholders in an organization and if employee starts thinking of his role in a manner that he’s contributing ‘value’ to the firm and that his ‘part’ is important and makes a difference, he is definitely going to put up his maximum effort into what he does. Now here is when HR comes in with an important role. It is entrusted with the important responsibility of retaining and training its people- guiding them to the extent that they become self sufficient. Its also the responsibility of HR to transcend the good governance inherited by the company to the employees. Employer engagement is an important role of HR without which the employees don’t feel that they are being involved in the affairs of the company hence they leave the firm. The process of recruitment is expensive and retaining good talent hard therefore the right people for the right jobs must be the core function of HR, people who work with their minds not hands. In this complex changing environment there is a need to develop a culture where no one hesitates in sharing their ideas and innovative solutions to make the firm more competitive, as every second counts. HR is emerging out of the traditional role of book keeping to becoming a change agent and an employee champion. What’s a challenge now is to change mindsets and attitudes, products and processes alone cannot deliver. Bosses and supervisors need to understand diversity and complimentarity will lead to self renewal, commitment and excellence leading to the development of visionary companies. • Gohar Alam- HR Bayer suggests that the mind sets of HR managers have to change to accommodate the fast changing work force. Today employees need to be trusted to have the skills to be proactive and given the importance of being an important asset to the organization. “Regard” is something that is the need of a human being, be it a peon or a supervisor. Its essentially important to respect your people otherwise they’ll either leave you or be incredibly unhappy- and you don’t want that. He explained how regard can be divided into unconditional positive regard, conditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and conditional negative regard. This is a cyclical process and focuses on behavior and relationships. If not dealt with properly it might lead to “DISREGARD”. Finally he also talked about how jobs are changing and getting bigger and diversified with more and more responsibilities and duties. • I would conclude by saying that it was a very informative session telling us that we can indeed bring what we learn in our classrooms to the organizations.
• Then Mr. Shiraz Ahmed, faculty HR-IoBM, started his speech full energetically and with great motivation. He showed some great future trends in Human Resource Management, because future of HR is very innovative and competitive. He showed some great examples of Google, Samsung, and Whatsapp etc that what type of trend they will be following in future which is not far away. He further told about how resumes will be viewed by organizations in future. All a person needs to do is to update his linkedin, facebook, twitter etc because companies will be recruiting employees through these social sites mainly. After that he showed some great motivational and inspirational videos regarding future trends in HR, and everyone really liked the way he conveyed lesson able message to the audience.
In the end I would conclude by saying that this seminar was a great lesson and experience for us.Faculy like Sir Shiraz is really a precious asset for IoBM, as HR plays an important role in industry. These seminars should be promoted everywhere in order to create interest of the people. THANKYOU
It was such a good and learning experience, as today’s seminar really inspires me in thinking creatively about Human Resource. And it allowed us to have an insight into what business professionals think about HR. • First of all, starting with Mr.Salim Azhar’s speech, he said that we youth are the biggest asset for his firm because according to him, employees are the key stakeholders. The biggest challenge in Strategic HR is to preserve the values and good governance. Way of positive enforcement plays an important role in the development and productivity of employees. He showed his gratitude towards not having a specific office for true guidance regarding all the matters of Human Resource in our country.Furthermore he appreciated IoBM’S Graduates. Last week they had a HR presentation in which a girl of IoBM who joined Indus Motors last year as a trainee gives an amazing presentation on HR which was completely a true picture of trends following in HR today.All you need is to see the challenges faced by HR today, complexities unleashes oppurtunities.And career development is almost on decline. Step change in employee values and expectations is very important for productive results. Recruitment process is changing day by day i.e. very long plus expensive. Job enrichment, skills enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity and professional management are the key areas to be focused deeply in Strategic Human Resource Management.Furthermore, inspiring environment by attitudes and behaviors is also important. And bringing new ideas from the people by interacting and involving them in organizations’ matters, because taking two steps is the duty of every employee for perfection. And he concluded his session by mentioning the last challenge that Human Resource face i.e. to believe HR is as big body without a soul. Set high standards, to achieve high expectations. • Then Mr.Gohar Alam, Head HR-Bayer Pakistan, started his speech with the topic of Performance culture that holds a deep position in Human Resource department. He said “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” for working effectively and efficiently. Climate of appreciation should be created to better compete with the challenges. One very interesting thing he shared with us was that “RESPONSIBILITIES ARE INCREASING WHEREAS THE SUPPLY OF TALENT IS DECREASING”, it is very hard to find talented people, as job demands for multifunctional tasks. He explained the two categories of culture i.e. LOW performance culture vs. HIGH performance culture, and by giving some real life examples, really captured the interest if audience. Furthermore he stated that there are four major types of regard. Regard is basically the respect that usually an employee expects from his/her superiors. The four areas were unconditional +ve regard,unconditional –ve regard,conditional +ve regard,and conditional –ve regard. By giving examples, he really broadens our concepts, and said that if all the four categories of regard are absent, then DISREGARD arises as a result. I got to know love can be a powerful motion which encourages staff to maintain the good efficiency. Lack of love on the other hand catapults somebody towards the routine by which 1 goes by unconditional positive regard towards behaving unconditional negative regard.
HRM Conflux: It was indeed a great day full of learning about what HR really is in the actual world. There were two renowned people who share their years of experience about HR.
Salim Azhar: He is the HR Director at Indus Motors and he shared his 35 years of experience learning about HR field. He basically explained the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management. He pointed out the changing trends in business environment and how increasing business complexities are unleashing opportunities. He further discussed the employee engagement concept. He said with the change in trends we need to preserve our employees, who are our assets and we can only preserve them by appreciating them or by giving them appraisal. He further discussed about recruitment process that it’s very important to hire right and effective people for the desired job. Then, changing dualities were discussed where he said only sharp and intelligent people can deal with it. He further discussed about the creativity and bringing new ideas in the organization. He also discussed that the major threat to HR is body without a soul, pointing out that a company’s inside talent are usually not known. He said strategy is main concern in HR; everything has to be governed, covered and backup by a strategy. He said that moving from tangible assets to emotional attachment is where HR lies. And, with the end he discussed the role of a leader that he affirm values, build trust, team spirit, recognize, reward and motivate others. Gohar Aalam Siddiqui: He is the head HR at Bayer Pakistan and he shared is 25 years of learning in this field. He discussed about the performance culture and mind sets of people in today’s world. He started with an example that a father and a son was going and they both met with a serious accident son shifted to A hospital and father shifted to B hospital, when Dr. John came to see the son doctor stated I can operate he’s my relative, now basically people will assume that he is his grandfather and only few people will say that doctor is her mother and that is where we can have idea about their mind sets. He said it’s very important to change our mind sets which will lead to have better performance culture in the organization. He further said, jobs are getting better and bigger and talent is getting scarce so in near future we need skilled people for the jobs. He discussed about low performance culture that in this type of culture manager disregard his employee, is strict and thinks his employees are lazy and dumb where as in high performance culture manager motivates its employees, thinks that his employees are proactive and open minded. Order of regard was also discussed that regard means respect and honor. He explained four types of regards: a) unconditional positive, b) conditional positive, c) conditional negative and d) unconditional negative. He said unconditional regards affects are relationships whereas conditional regards affects our behavior.
The HR conference attended today October 28 , 2014 from 10:45 – 12:15 was a great source of knowledge and learning . It helped to sort on the foggy views and doubtful future of the HR industry . The well known , impressive personalities that gave us the lectures were very inspiring . They addressed in a very friendly and comfortable manner that actually helped us to retain our interest and learn from them . The conference started with qirat followed by an opening by our rector Mr. Talib Karim . There were 3 speakers • MR SALIM AZHAR • MR GOHAR AALAM SIDDIQUI • MR SHIRAZ AHMED
The first guest was MR SALIM AZHAR who is the head HR of INDUS MOTORS . He focused basically on the current scenario , how scenarios are changing and how HR should be adjusted to fit it well with the changing dynamics . He said that the imperatives are changing . Globalization is expanding providing providing opportunities for growth and many other potential ones. Because of this globalization and mobility , scarcity of resources is taking place so jobs should be made more enriched and enhanced . ( DIVERSIFIED) . For this a very inspiring environment , attitude and behaviours should be adopted to actually make this possible . Such things should be considered in recruiting processes as well . He further discussed different challenging dualties . Like vision vs. reality , change vs. continuity , differenciation vs. integration , individualism vs. teamwork , delegation vs. control , action vs. reflection etc. He discussed that the idea is that the enterprise should have a well strategically directed HRM , it should stay committed to it . Should encompass diversity as well and ultimately change attitudes and mindsets through this . It should not be a body without soul . The soul is the main focus . He further discussed that the role of HRM has changed from policy administrator , free fighter and book keeper to change agent , productivity and quality consultant , employee champion and strategic business partner . Then discussing the importance of HR strategy , corporate strategy , SWOT analysis , he moved on to the discussion of the role of a leader and said leader should be a set of direction , articulation , affirm values , inspiration .etc. TALEYA ( 12745)
2. MR GOHAR ALAM SIDDIQUI ( Head HR of Bayer , Pakistan ) He holds a 25+ years diversified experience in prestigious organizations . He had a very interactive session . He explained the following basic things : • A high performance culture starts with the mindset of the recruiter . He learns this from his experience . He showed 2 tabular representations which concluded that if the guy perceives employees positively and supports them positively via empowerment , support , the output is proactive and highly productive performance . however , if viceversa happens then output is viceversa too . • He said these days jobs are getting bigger and supply of talent is getting smaller . So it would actually result in giving less experienced people , bigger jobs . • He finaly discussed regard . He said its of 2 types CONDITIONAL , UNCONDITIONAL . Either of it has its positive and negative sides . It starts initially with positive unconditional but if not responded well enters the phase of positive conditional , however if not regarded well further moves to the negative zone of conditional regard and then negative unconditional regard . Ultimately to DISREGARD . He explained this well with the help of examples .
3.SIR SHIRAZ AHMED ( FACULTY – IoBM ) He is an HR faculty at IoBM . He has great knowledge and is a great source of learning . He discussed TODAYS WORLD AND HR . How it is moving out of the particular lines , beyond expectations towards new approaches . He told us that schools are killing creativity and this is well explained at TED . Degrees are getting out and so no more college brand or value proposition . He told us of the new selection criteria i.e. cognitive ability , emergent leadership , humility , ownership , expertise . He further said that internet is the new resume , what we should take into strict consideration is that our name should appear in proper reference and not get associated with badly reputed stuff. He said fb , linkidin network etc should be used for networking and klout score will tell us our score . further he said that PMS is getting OUT of focus now and no more pay on appraisals as said by Harvard . He then discussed the future of HRM and concluded that every organization needs HR , it needs to be a business driver and futurist and very crucial in the VUCA world ( volatile , uncertain , complex , ambiguous ) He finally said that ACTION needs 2 basic things 1. Passion 2. Experimental learning These are 2 very important elements to direct towards success , as seen in the 2 clips . like we saw in the experimental learning clip that the kid struggles hard to sell pineapple icecream but failed , then other directed her to learn from the market how other are doing . Once she did her experimental learning she carried out the process in a succesfull manner .
I would conclude by saying that this conference was a matter of seeking information and learning . the aim is achieved . in a very comfortable environment , the current HR and the future shape of it was discussed to clear our minds on establishing and realizing the importance of this field .
Today, on October 28, 2014, a confererence was organized by our Human Resource management class. This was a very informative and influential conference because the leaders of HRM came and presented their views about HRM principles. The summary of what these “GURUS” talked about is described below: - 1. SALIM AZHAR: - He talked about the expectations we will hold when we will make our career choices and how we face disappointments because of the perception we have of the typical workplace in Pakistan. The topic he talked about was STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Global growth is taking place, business complexities are emerging. The more complex your business/market becomes, the more discerning mind you need to manage those complexes. The first organization that comes out of those complexities gets a competitive advantage. Career employment, life-long associations are on a decline, so employees should not be taken for granted. When you are searching for a job, never think that someone is doing you a favor. Go with that sense of confidence that you are a valuable asset for them. Good employer has to be very mindful and cautious of the employee engagement. You have to have an inspiring environment and an attitude. There is a lot at stake when you have to attract quality people. The process of recruitment is very very long. Days, weeks and months go by to find them, attract them and recruit them. They want people that have a huge level of intellectual capacity, people who can bring changes. You need to realize that when you are being interviewed, how is your interviewer looking at you, and that is how they frame questions. We want people who can have continuous improvement (Kaizen). You should know how to work smartly. Every second should be saved. People should be receptive and if the employer doesn’t give the employees the power for innovations and sticks to his procedures, he is killing the organization, as there is no one right way. The perfect way can only be picked through discussion. The biggest challenge in HR is to have a body without soul meaning that if the employee is not satisfied, he will not contribute to the organization. You should concentrate on the soul. Be mindful of it and don’t let it turn you on. Every action of an HR should be governed by a strategy as everything has to be converted to employee’s advantage.
2. GAUHAR ALAM: - He talked about performance management and performance appraisals. In business there are business objectives as to what to achieve and how to achieve. We need to learn about mindset.. Status is a psychological necessity. We are chasing for praises constantly. For performance, there should be an environment of appreciation and it is necessary to measure it. Jobs are getting bigger, meaning that responsibilities are increasing. We should constantly develop ourselves in our current jobs only. Nowadays supply of talent is getting smaller. There is a research that less experienced people will be doing greater jobs. So you have to develop and train them and understand what kind of structure you have to build so that these people stay in this organization. For this purpose, we need to understand regard or order of regard. Regard means respect and honor. Regard is of 4 types: - • Unconditional regard: - this means you give respect to that person irrespective of any work done by him, any benefit or favor for e.g. a new employee. • Conditional regard: - the unconditional regard finishes with time and now the person realizes that he has to do something to gain regard and then he starts working. The regard at this moment that is due to his contribution is conditional regard. • Unconditional (negative) regard: - here he performs well, makes his contribution but still does not get any regard. This can lead to de-motivation, this directs relationship as the relationship between the employee and employer worsens. • Conditional (negative) regard: - this is when you do something good but instead of earning respect, you earn disrespect. This directs behavior as the employee will not behave as he should due to de-motivation. You should give conditional regard in a way that motivates your employee to come to work. For e.g., if the employee is sick, instead of sending him bouquet at home you should talk to him in such a way that he would like to come because else they would think that it is better to be sick at home and get bouquets rather than coming to work. After this assessment you will know about the behavior and relationship in organization. If you don’t get positive regard in an organization, people go towards conditional negative regard, which is their behavior changes. If here also nothing happens, then comes disregard where they just waste time then and do only the limited work.
3. SHIRAZ AHMED; - He talked about what is happening to HR in the world and how the the world will be in future due to HR. today’s world is disrupted by the GOOGLE. We can find every single thing in google. The objective of business school is not only the teaching, but the learning. The leading educationist of the world, Ken Robinson says that the school kills creativity. The owner of wassap is a billionaire and got a job in yahoo without any degree. An application can make you a millionaire or a billionaire. This is where the world is heading. HR managers say that the future of the recruitment is not by CV but by their auditions because 90% of your resume lies. We exaggerate too much. Your college branding is not going to help you anymore if you do not have the skills or the competencies required by future organization. They will focus on your value proposition. This is the new selection criteria. HR manager of google said that these 5 attributes are going to be the recruitment parameters a. Cognitive ability: -its about your learning ability. b. Emerging leadership c. Humility d. Ownership e. Expertise
We should cut our resume short and focus on 3 things. How well our name appears on Google Make your account on LinkedIn and have your network Be interactive on face book so that you could show how much you are engaging World doesn’t require GPA or GMAT scores anymore. Experts say that stop basing your performance appraisal and stop co-coordinating it with your pay. Make future not through money but through meaningful work. It takes a purpose to become a billionaire. 4 possible things that can happen in future:- Most of HR is going to be outsourced. Its going to be business focused Its going to be innovative based The world is going to be VUCA ( volatile, uncertain,complex and ambigious). You need these things to be the HR; Passion, precedence and experiential learning.
In today’s HR seminar three highly influential leaders of Human Resource shared valuable information with us regarding HR principles:
Firstly, Salim Azhar, HR head at Toyota Indus Motors talked about Strategic Human Resource Management. How do we see HR in the workplace? How does HR grow? He stated that HR function is seen as a key player in every organization because their role is to bring ‘key’ talent in the organization which would be an asset for the company and since this function is time consuming and expensive, HR managers have to act intellectually. He also talked about changing imperative in which globalization, growth and business complexities are emerging and in order to manage those complexities you need more discerning minds. Career employment and life-long association are on a verge of decline, therefore, employees cannot be taken for granted. The scarcity of superior resources is a major challenging reality of today’s business world. There has to be an inspiring environment, attitudes, behavior and role models to stimulate and retain human resource in an organization and good employer has to be very mindful and cautious of the employee engagement. He further stated that Human Resources Strategy is very important for any organization because it helps in goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the role of an effective leader as he envisions the future, sets direction and high standards and build trust and team spirit. One more topic discussed was the SWOT analysis. This is the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of an organization. Finally, he concluded his lecture with a phrase “body without a soul” which is a threat and a challenge for HR these days. It basically means that if an employee is not satisfied, he would contribute nothing towards the organization. Hence, strategy is a key component of Human Resource and plays a very critical role in the development of any organization.
Secondly, Mr. Gohar Alam, HR head at Bayer Pakistan explained about Performance culture and “regard”. He emphasized on the mindset of two different types of employers – one that perceives the employees as very dumb and lazy and in order to maintain high performance culture he creates strict and controlling environment as a result of which employees feel they are not taken seriously in the organization and feel untrusted and demotivated and they behave skeptically and shy and do not exert efforts. On the other hand, second mindset of the employer is such that they perceive the employees as intelligent, proactive and an asset of the organization and in order to reach a high performance culture he behaves supportively towards them and create empowering and caring culture due to which employees feel trusted and valued by the employers which leads to proactive and high performing behavior what contributes to the goal attainment of the organization. Furthermore, Mr. Gohar explained that there are four categories of regards: unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative and they are sequential. First an employee experiences unconditional positive regard then he goes towards conditional positive regard. If both are not responded well he moves to conditional negative and finally to unconditional negative. In addition, he said that trust and appreciation are two important factors in retaining the employees in any organization. The present corporate atmosphere is such that people with less experience are getting more jobs because they are provided with training and skill development.
Mr. Shiraz Ahmed discussed about what is happening in HR in today’s world and how will the world be in future in HR. Today’s world is disruptive by Google. Everything is available in google. The objective of business school these days is about learning and not about teaching. The leading educationalist Ken Robinson said school kills creativity. The founder of WhatsApp is now a billionaire because this is a world of apps where any application can make you a millionaire or a billionaire. The future of recruitment is not by CV but by your audition as 90% of your resumes and we exaggerate too much. Your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skills and competencies count. Also, HR manager of google said that these 5 attributes are going to be the recruitment parameters: • Cognitive ability • Emerging leadership • Humility • Ownership • Expertise To fulfill the recruitment criteria, focus on the following three things: • Make sure your name appears well on Google search • Make an account on LinkedIn and have a network • Engage well on Facebook And lastly, 4 possible things that can happen in future:- • Most of HR is going to be outsourced. • It is going to be business focused • It is going to be innovative based • The world is going to be VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous).
All the speakers were truly amazing having full command over the subject. So starting with: Mr. Salim Azhar He explained why Strategic Human Resource Management is important. And how do we preserve good value, exercise good government and how do we mange the relationship between shareholder and the employee. He told us that HR is the key player at an organization and discussed the Changing Imperatives in organizations, that growth and business complexities are unleashing areas of potential opportunities, the importance of career employment that you cannot be taken for granted, you got to have attitude, inspiring environment to retain human capital, and employee engagement has a strong meaning. He also emphasized on intellectual ability of an employee i.e. in an organization we need thinking people, working with their ‘heads’ and not just hands. They should absorb the changing environment and know the duality of dealing with the conflict situation. HRM has to have ‘strategic’ direction. Through Strategic Human Resource Management, the organization will achieve self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustain competencies. For market leadership, agility is the key driver. So basically, the challenge of SHRM is to change the attitudes and mind-sets of people. Product and processes will not deliver it alone. We should put spirit in what we do, we should maintain a check-list. Body without a soul is a threat to us. This provides us with a direction and leader sets the direction that where he is and where does he aim to go in future? He sets high standard and high expectations, builds trust, team spirit and tenacity, he recognizes, rewards and celebrates, and encourages calculated risk taking as well and affirm values.
He discussed Performance Management, Performance Appraisal and Regard. He also emphasized on changing our mind-sets. Employees see how others are treated like school kids do. So we need to create the climate of appreciation and measure it. Jobs are getting bigger which means responsibilities are also increasing. So we should develop ourselves or we won’t enjoy doing our current job and also we won’t be able to move forward. And this will eventually turn out as: less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. And for that ORDER Of Regard should be understood. There are 4 types of Regards: 1-Unconditional Positive Regard: Practicing unconditional positive regard means accepting and respecting others as they are without judgment or evaluation. It simply refers to acceptance of others whether you like them or not. Eg: Welcoming an employee, greeting him. 2- Unconditional Negative Regard: After 3 months, it’s over! So the employee thinks to do something to get the regard. So he gives his 100 percent and does all the work but he doesn’t get the regard so he’s highly de-motivated for this attitude. 3- Conditional Regard: is the facilities provided at the workplace which are missed when you stay at home. So the employee is motivated to go to office to attain these facilities. 4- Conditional Negative Regard: It predicts feelings of resentment, which then predict deregulation of negative emotions and disengagement. We don’t realize what’s happening. If someone’s not doing well.. people say: You’re late! You have to be punctual! So the employee thinks Oh he’s getting the regard even for negative behavior..and then it becomes a habit for him as well.
Sir Shiraz Ahmed
He discussed about Today’s world and HR, that it is disrupted by Google as everything can be found on Google, and how ¼ MBA curriculum is scrapped because of TED, how schools kill creativity and Khan Academy- teacher less class. Ken Robinson says that schools creativity. Facebook purchasing Whatsapp for $19 billion..This is where the world is leading to. So HR managers tell us the Future Recruitment would be needing only 1 page Resume, that is to-the-point, and people would be hired by auditions. No more College brand, they won’t care about where you studied from but they will see if your competent enough for their organization- main focus would be how you add value to them. Ne w selection criteria would be cognitive ability, humility, emergent leadership and ownership and expertise. Internet will be your new resume, seeing where and how your name appears on Google, the content you provide on SlideShare, your LinkedIn profile, Facebook- the things you like and comment on, all your activities will be monitored. Your GMAT and SAT score would not matter. Performance management is out. No more pay on Appraisal- Harvard. Money would not matter but what your human skills will. He said 2 basic actions are needed: 1) Passion 2) Experiential Learning The Samsung and Pine Apple Ice cream video helped understand these actions.
This session was very informative and it was a great experience for all of us learning from Head HRs of Bayer and Toyota and obviously Sir Shiraz Ahmed. So basically I learned about SHRM, changing trends, leadership roles, changing mind-sets, order of regard and lastly about today’s world of HR and the future as well.
The today’s seminar of Human Resource Management was a very influential and a great learning experience. The three of the speakers added much information and help for students who are seeking their careers in this field. Our very first speaker Mr. Asim Azhar who is the HR director in Indus Motors and acquire more than 35 years of diversified working experience. Firstly he mentioned the changing imperatives of today’s world. The potential opportunities are becoming possible with the globalization and growth in business. The employers don’t take the employee career as granted as it is turning to be the most valuable asset for them. More over employee value and expectation are changing with the job enrichment, skill enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity, inspiring environment and employee engagement. He further mentioned that good employees show employee engagement. The process of recruitment is very long and expensive. The changing duties are also the consequence of changing world. The organizations require those people who work with their heads not only with the hands. The capable people have the ability to deal with it. The people should be able to deal with the conflicts and become the problem solver. Moreover he mentions that organization should adopt such environment which encourages new ideas. People should be able to able to come up with new ideas and suggestions. These create suggestions if worth it should be rewarded either in terms of monetary or non-monetary incentives. Hrm requires havingstrategic direction in enterprises. The treat now a days our body without soul that means it’s not only the infra-structure that maters but also the spirit. The corporatestrategy plays a major role. The swot analysis was also discussed. He advised that your real day is the one when you enter the work place not when you leave it. HR is actually the soul of the organizations. The other speaker Mr. Gohar aslam was is at Bayer Pakistan and had more than 25 years of diversified working experience. Firstly he said the jobs are getting bigger that means same job requires more and more roles and duties. For this we need to develop ourselves. The order of regard is important. Regard can be divided into four types unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. He gave the example of a boy who came to his father while he was busy in some work, he didn’t pay any attention to him. So he the boy said that he scored good marks in this way the unconditional regard positive moved to conditional regard positive. If father appreciated him this will stop here but if he continues not to pay any attention to him this will turn into conditional regard negative which feeling of disrespect and further moves on. Similarly if aperson is not on job due to some illness sending him flowers will not be a good decision while setting up some healthy environment like bringing exercise machine or initiating yoga classes will be helpful for him. This will help to reduceabsenteeism from work and gave the idea to employee that the organization cares for him. Then the third speaker who was our very own teacher Mr. Shiraz Ahmed stood to talk on future trend of HR. His speech was very influential and gave many learning aspects of life. Some of the major points he mentioned was that the future of the employees is by HR recruiters. The recruitment data consist of cognitive, engagement leadership, ownership and enterprise. The two very important things and the extract of whole presentation were innovation and experiential learning. Noor ulainhaider 14374
Sir Shiraz Ahmed presented on the future trends in HR. He spoke on the HR trends what happening in today’s world and what will be leading trends in future. He told us that today’s world is disruptive of google. Google is involved in every aspect of our life now days. We are so use to of it that we google even about our daily matters. He also said that today schools are killing the creativity of student. Plus there is no more value of college brands actually it does not matter anymore. Today degrees are not very important if you know your work. The selection criteria are cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility and ownership. In near future there will be no need of resumes what will matter is where your name appears on google search engine. The person should pay a serious consideration where his name is appearing. He should be active fb, LinkedIn networks and other social forums. He further mentioned that performance management system is getting obsolete. He said that need of HR is getting into more focus and there importance in every organization is increasing. He told about the key elements which every action needs are passion and experimental learning. They both are the ingredients behind a successful person. he showed us two of the clips which further elaborated the points. One of the clips was about the technological advancement and where the world is heading in near future. Other clip showed a story of a poor kid who came up with the idea of selling pineapple ice crèmes and she observed from the market how to sell her product. This learning helped her and she was successfully selling her ice crèmes. This was a very interactive and learning secession. This will help us to guide in our future. Noorulain haider 14374
The seminar conducted today was an informative session about HR Practices and how the role of HRM is changing according to today's requirements. 1- Mr. Salim Azhar - Head HR Indus Motors, talked mainly on the topic Strategic HRM. He explained that how every employee is a stakeholder for organization and how the industry is going through a challenge. Good values should be preserved and therefore good governance becomes mandatory. He gave an example of how Indus Motors takes care of its employees by following a well-founded HR process and just because of that, Indus Motors was rated among Top 5 firms with good HR practices globally. Every employee should feel valuable, no one should be taken for granted because this is the only way how an employee will realize his/her true worth and come up with amazing outputs. Career Consideration should be there, it involves job enrichment, skill enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity, professional management. He also added that we should not feel that a company is making us a favor by hiring us, we should not be taken for granted. Companies should preserve assets that appreciate! The process of recruitment is very comprehensive, time consuming and expensive, and therefore it takes a lot of time to trace the right talent for the right job because talent and skills are something that companies ave a tough time finding in. Businesses should create opportunities in order to expand. We must identify what a company is looking for in us, they question us about our values and expectations. Supervisors should understand that diversity and complimentarity go parallel. For every firm, HRM has to have a strategic direction followed by organizational and self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competencies. The right way to do things is by changing attitudes and mindsets because only products and processes will not deliver the right results. 2- Mr. Gohar Alam - HR Bayer, focused on Performance Culture and demonstrated this concept by giving examples of mindsets of male and female HR managers, He explained that Status is psychological necessity, we want to be respected and valued. Regard is very important role player in organizations and every individual should be given respect in order to motivate him, boost up his self confidence and to get better productivity. An organization must create a climate of appreciation, because performance culture is beyond performance management and performance appraisals. He also suggested us to acquire skills after our graduation because skills are now really hard to find. Organizations must develop, retain and understand their employees to make them stay longer. All in all it was a very informative session and it indeed helped me to relate HR theories with its practical applications in the organizations.
•Mr Salim Azhar (HR Director Toyota Motors) stated that “HR group is the part of every senior committee in a good organization” in order to earn that they have to do things differently. HR is seen as a key player in every organization because they have to bring key people in order to provide organization with a competitive advantage. He also talked about the changing imperatives globalization, growth, complexities, inspiring environment, behaviors, role models etc and in order to manage such complexities you need more intellectual people plus you need to make employees feel engaged to the business this can happen by creating opportunities for the people and continuous development. The recruitment function of HR is very important as with the help of it organizations get employees but it is also very time consuming and expensive and should be done in the right manner. Criteria of recruitment is set by the organization, one of the criteria is intellect of an individual. People with higher intellect are more likely to get jobs. Every creative idea should be rewarded to make employees feel motivated. Further he said that human resource strategy which is linked with corporate strategy of organization is very important because it helps organization achieve its goals and provides a direction. The role of the leader is also to envision the future and set directions, build trust, team spirit and recognize, reward and motivate its people. He used a phrase “body without a soul” which is a threat for HR these days it basically means that organization without talented and intellectual people are nothing. Last thing which he discussed was the swat analysis which is the study of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat of an organization. In short HR strategy is very important for organization and plays an important role in its development.
•Mr. Gohar Alam (Head HR Bayer Pakistan) said that “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” in order to perform effectively and efficiently. He discussed about the “performance culture”. There are basically two performance cultures in an organization one is low and the other one is high. In low performance culture employers think that employees are very dumb, lazy and create a strict controlling environment in return employees feel de motivated and not trusted and behave shy and reserved. Where as in high performance culture the employers think that employees are very intelligent and hardworking due to this the employees feel trusted and motivated which leads to a behavior of employees that supports organizations goal. There are four types of regards unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. One point he made that “RESPONSIBILITIES ARE INCREASING WHEREAS THE SUPPLY OF TALENT IS DECREASING”, it is very hard to find talented people, because one job demands multitasking. Further he said that respect and appreciation is very important in a working environment without these no company will be able to retain its people. The present atmosphere is such that people with less experience are getting more jobs in which they are trained and converted into valuable assets for the company.
•Mr. Shiraz Ahmed spoke about the “FUTURE TRENDS IN HR”. He shared some interesting points like today’s world is disrupted by Google, objectives of business school these days are not teaching but learning of students, future recruitment is not based on Cv all the people need to use LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter because from here employers will be contacting potential people, your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skill counts, the new selection criteria will be based on learning ability not GPA or SAT scores. He also gave examples of Samsung, Whatsapp etc. He told us 4 things about HR that will happen in future:
I would conclude by saying that this was very informative session which has increased my knowledge about HR. Therefore, I wish to attend more of these in near future.
Today's HRM Conflux was an enlightening and informative event. I really enjoyed listening to the gurus of management. The session also helped me gain an understanding of how HR jobs operate in the real world which is quite different from bookish world. Mr Sali Azher who spoke first told us that globalization had resulted in business complexities. Job responsibilities of HR had widened due to global focus. Employee expectations had changed. They wanted gender diversity, skill enhancement, equal opportunity. As a result HR managers had to give training and other characteristics mentioned before to retain employees. Citing an example of Indus Motors he said that open attitudes of managers towards junior staff enabled junior staff to suggest improvement in work processes. Thus employee engagement is crucial according to him in HRM. He further said that today's talent market was suffering from scarcity of talent and it was essential to retain employees through creating inspiring environment and good engagement strategies. The second speaker Mr Goher told us that a positive attitude of HR manager towards his employees results in a supportive, caring, empowering behavior which makes employees feel valued, supported and important in an organization. This consequently results in employees proactive and innovative on the job which helps in setting up a high performance culture in an organization. He further elaborated that negative attitude of HR manager would result in disregard of employees regarding their senior management. In short HR managers of today should motivate their employees to retain them. Our very own sir Shiraz Ahmed spoke about how technology has revolutionized HR. He said that in today's world college brand does not matter to the recruiter. What matters is the value proposition of the candidate which essentially means the personality and skills of the candidate. In today's market selection criteria is determined by five things, 1) Cognitive ability 2)Emergent leadership 3)Humility 4)Ownership 5)Expertise Sir Shiraz further elaborated that there was no need for a formal CV because thanks to the internet the Facebook profile, Linkedin profile was enough for recruiters to know about a candidate's qualifications
Today’s seminar was undeniably a wonderful learning experience which substantiated that there are some things you only learn through experience. I feel fortunate to have been a part of it.
• Mr. Salim Azhar - Head HR Toyota Indus Motors Mr. Saleem Azhar highlighted the importance of strategic human resource management in today’s workplace since he has gained an insight to it because of his good fortune in frequent job rotation and work experience in notorious organizations including Engro. As parroted by him the major challenge faced regarding human resource management is how do we reserve value and exercise good governance? Since the two important things building up an organization are Employee shareholder (deriving dividends) and employee (i.e. earning your wages no matter what) the major challenge is positive employee reinforcement. At first, he emphasized on the need to be self-sufficient quoting an example from his experience that no overseas office to guide the organization meant self-sufficiency was essential. Quoting more examples from his work experience, he stated that at joining Indus Motors, the most compelling thing was that the auto industry was growing rapidly and advancements were taking place on daily basis. In such situations it is vital for an organization to train its human resource according to the modifications to increase employee productivity. Among the different questions that are arising one was about how we see HR in the workplace. Is it the way the world sees it or does the progressive workplace see it differently? Among the challenging imperatives the first one highlighted that global growth is taking place which is leading to business complexities. However, if seen positively the complexities give more opportunities because increasing complexities mean that the employees would want to manage them in the shortest time period. Moreover, in terms of finding a job we must make sure that we are not taken for granted and that someone is doing us a favor. Greater mobility is also an added challenge and your human resource is only beneficial if it appreciates. He elaborated the change in employee values and expectations, job enrichment, gender diversity and professional management. Speaking on equal opportunity a valuable example was that the ages of the current CEOs ranges between 33-35 years of age whereas in the past, the legacy was that no one retired. Furthermore, attitude and an inspiring environment is also a necessary need, therefore, identifying and hiring the right people is difficult. The process of doing so is very expensive and you can’t afford to make mistakes. We need smarter people because we are in the changing world which constitutes of two spectrums and calls for people with intellectual skills. Also, conflicts aren’t always fights but include making decisions so that everyone should be able to voice their opinions. Therefore, HRM should have a strategic direction else it would be a back off. Organizational self-renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competencies building is the survival kit. In short, strategic HRM leads to a “big body but with a soul".
• Mr. Gohar Alam - Head HR Bayer Pakistan Mr.Gohar Alam presented on performance culture. He started with the common statement that we live in a male dominated society. We have to come out of this box. At first, we need to learn the mindsets and change them accordingly so that they fit the requirements of the changing business environments. Giving examples he said that experience lags behind if the mindset is not positive. However, positive mindset leads to a caring, supportive and demanding behavior due to which the employees feel trusted. Beyond benefits and compensation measuring performance is very important. Since the jobs are getting bigger the responsibilities are also increasing. The main problem is that the HR does not develop itself. To add on, he stated that the supply of talent is decreasing and a degree is not adequate, you need to develop skills. For this reason, less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. He described regard as the degree of respect, reputation and honor given to an employee. Each employee longs for it and not providing it leads to dissatisfaction. He talked about the four types of regards namely, conditional positive regard, unconditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and unconditional negative regard. These regards direct behavior or relations and failure to deal with them leads to disregard. • Shiraz Ahmed Sir Shiraz Ahmed presented on the future trends in HR regarding what is happening in the world these days and what will it lead to. Starting with google he pointed out about how google has invaded our privacy and how organizations are using it to track us. The best line he communicated regarding the education system is that there is a fine line between knowledge and experience. This he backed with evidences including a teacher-less class, Ted talks and successful business ventures. He conversed that in the future degrees and college brand won’t matter, only value preposition will. Moreover, the new selection criteria will include: cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility, ownership and expertise. The internet will be treated as a resume and google searches redirecting to your slide share, linked-in, Facebook etc. will be considered. The GPA, SAT scores and performance management is out along with no more pay on appraisal. The future of HR will include four things namely outsourced HR, common sensed HR, business focused HR and Innovative HR. In a nutshell, it is a highly VUCA world and every organization is in need of HR.
In today’s conference we witnessed three of the most accomplished HR professionals share their wisdom with all the attendees. Here is the summary of what the three speakers shared with us:
1) Mr. Salim Azhar: Mr. Azhar once worked as the HR Head of Engro, and is now the HR Head of Indus Motors. The topic of discussion that Mr. Azhar chose for his session was Strategic Human Resource Management. He discussed that positive reinforcement is on tool by which good governance can prevail in an organization since the behavior of the employees can be controlled through it. He also stated that as the market evolves, the complexities in the business also increase (HR complexities as well), and to overcome those complexities, competent employees will be needed as the first company to overcome the complexities will get a global advantage. Another thing the speaker added was that the organizations have a lot at stake to hire good employees, and the companies now do not just want to hire any common person in their organization, they are now heading towards hiring change agents. It was also added that when employees are coming up with new ideas, the organization should then create an environment where employees can voice their opinions and an environment where creativity is encouraged. The honorable speaker concluded the session by saying that status quo is killing the organizations and that organizations should always look for growth.
2) Mr. Gohar Alam: Mr. Alam works for Bayer Pakistan as the Head of HR and holds experience of over 25 years in the field of HR working for some of the big organizations. His topic for the discussion was performance culture, which started with the discussion on the mindsets of the managers in the organization and how it affects the productivity of the employees in the organization. Two examples were giving by Mr. Alam to describe the above case, the first of them was a manager with 20+ years of experience who thought of his employees to be dumb and did not appreciate them saw a decrease in the creativity and productivity of employees, while at the other hand a manager with the same experience valued his employees highly and appreciated them saw an increase in the confidence of the employees with a great increase in the creativity of them. Mr. Alam stated that as the jobs tend to get bigger and as the supply of talented intellectuals decrease, inexperienced personnel will get the jobs at bigger positions. The definition of regard was explained by him as it deems to be the respect given to employees. He explained four types of regards and the transition from one type to another. Conditional positive regard, unconditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and unconditional negative regard. The two unconditional regards are responsive two the relationship of the employee and the boss, while the conditional regards are related to the behavior of the employee.
3) Mr. Shiraz Ahmed: Although a short session, but one of the most interactive sessions was conducted by the learned Mr. Shiraz Ahmed. He started by first explaining that how Google is disrupting the life of a common man, followed by telling that what aims Khan-Academy had and have. Mr. Shiraz gave examples of how an idea can make a person a billionaire and millionaire stating WhatsApp, which was sold to Facebook for $19 billion, and Summly that was sold to Yahoo for $30 million. CVs will be no longer important and the brand of your degree that is your college name will not matter anymore, what will matter are Cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility, ownership and expertise. The social presence will matter much more than CV, so the SlideShare, LinkedIn and Facebook presence has to be augmented. The future of HR was also discussed as it was said that HR will see a vital change and a split of HR will be seen. The session was concluded by showing two videos, first one showed how passion could lead to attainment of any goal, and the second one showed how experiential learning could help any entrepreneur or any individual who has no knowledge to become a successful entrepreneur and a successful person as learning by experience is the best way to learning.
Mr Shiraz Ahmed discussed regarding future trends in HR. He added that today’s world is disruptive of Google. Every aspect consist of various elements of google. We use Google at every instant when we perform any task. He shares different point of views of HR perspective by different people and personalities. The future of Hr would be based on auditions not your resume. Degrees are getting out. College branding won’t be helping u anymore in any future field. The new selection criteria of HR will be based in 5 things: · Cognitive Ability
· Emergent Leadership
· Humility
· Ownership
· Expectations
You internet is your resume. That is to what ecxtent you are visible at Google search, linkindin, Slideshare, cloud, accounts etc. There will be no more GPA and SAT score which will matter for your resume and interview. Bell curve will be replaced in future. Engaging employees by meaningful work not money will be fruitfull. Your workers are your asset and their retention.
Mr. Gohar Alam Who is an experienced person of about 25+ years of experience. He spokes about Performance culture which symbolizes your mindset whether you keep it low or high according to your ability. It’s basically your physcology and status. We are constantly checking climate of culture likewise in organization and relations with their employees are the priorities. On one hand the companies with high performance are those where managers think their employees are bright, diligent and proactive so they are empowering, supportive, caring, challenging which leads to employees being proactively, open minded, high performing and innovative .He mentioned that in future Jobs are getting bigger. We are not in the process of development which restricted the supply of talent. The truth is that less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. We need to understand the order of regard or respect which are of four types: unconditional regard which is negative and positive, and conditional regard which is also negative and positively affected. This is a repeated process and meeting point on behavior and relationships. If not covenant with properly it might lead to “DISREGARD”.
Mr. Salim azhar who is 30 years of experienced in the field of HR. he is the head of HR in Toyota Indus motors. He presented his views on the topic of strategic human resource management. He describes regarding challenging dualities which includes your vision, change, and differentiation i.e. innovation on one hand and other qualities on the other. Basically SHRM is a challenge which is to change attitudes and mind set because the products and processes don’t deliver in isolation. It is basically a best way of doing things. HR must be a strategic direction, diversified and a competitive advantage. The threat to HR specialist is its infrastructure which is a body of HR. The positioning is held by performance and promotions, T&D, vision and values, remuneration and rewards etc. Swots strategy also applies to HR which converted to proper directions. He quoted that the “Real turn is when you landed to your workplace not when you leave your workplace. However he move towards to the conclusion that HRM should have a strategic direction with challenge of changing the mindsets and attitudes, as product & processes alone will not deliver He also highlighted few roles of a leader is who set directions, recognizes your work, build trust, set high standards and expectations.
The session was really an informative one aimed at delivering the true picture of hrm in practical life. starting with Mr.Salim Azhar , Head HR Toyota Indus Motors.
He discussed that: Hrm has to have a strategic direction. Organizational self renewal,commitment to execellence and sustained competancies building is the survival kit for Hrm. Diversity will drive compatible advantage in future. Challenge is to change attitudes, and mind set. Products and processes alone will not deliver. Threat is to believe that body without soul Employee care, satisfaction and spirit in what we are doing, put checklist on what you are actually doing. How are we positioned performance and rewards and values. Swot anaylsis strategy applies to hrm.. Everythng has to be converted to employee advantage., corporate body corporate mind n corporate soul. Moving from tangible asset to emotional asset He also Enlightened the Role of a leader which includes: Articulate and affirm values Enlist inspire empower n enable Model the way, walk the tawk Recognise reward motivate and celebrate Build trust team spirit.
The session was really an informative one aimed at delivering the true picture of hrm in practical life. starting with Mr.Salim Azhar , Head HR Toyota Indus Motors.
He discussed that: Hrm has to have a strategic direction. Organizational self renewal,commitment to execellence and sustained competancies building is the survival kit for Hrm. Diversity will drive compatible advantage in future. Challenge is to change attitudes, and mind set. Products and processes alone will not deliver. Threat is to believe that body without soul Employee care, satisfaction and spirit in what we are doing, put checklist on what you are actually doing. How are we positioned performance and rewards and values. Swot anaylsis strategy applies to hrm.. Everythng has to be converted to employee advantage., corporate body corporate mind n corporate soul. Moving from tangible asset to emotional asset He also Enlightened the Role of a leader which includes: Articulate and affirm values Enlist inspire empower n enable Model the way, walk the tawk Recognise reward motivate and celebrate Build trust team spirit.
Mr. Gohar discussed about the performance culture, it is to learn mindset and to learn mindset there comes status. which is pyshological need. He then said that jobs are getting bigger and that means that responsibilities are increasing. He pointed that HR is not developing and so current job cannot be done with development. It was then discussed that supply of talent is getting smaller and due to which development of skills is very much necessary. He pointed that in future less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs. An organization must create a climate of appreciation, because performance culture is beyond performance management and performance appraisals. He also suggested us to acquire skills after our graduation because skills are now really hard to find. Organizations must develop, retain and understand their employees to make them stay longer.
session was further countinued with sir shiraz's presentation, ehich was quiet inspirational. Sir Shiraz presented on the future trends in HR regarding what is happening in the world these days and what will it lead to.Starting with google he pointed out about how google has invaded our privacy and how organizations are using it to track us. The best line he communicated regarding the education system is that there is a fine line between knowledge and experience. he further discussed VUCA that is volatile uncertain complex ambiguos. all we need is passion to compete the world.experiential learning can help us in this. He shared some interesting points like today’s world is disrupted by Google, objectives of business school these days are not teaching but learning of students, future recruitment is not based on Cv all the people need to use LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter because from here employers will base recruitment decision on, your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skill will be counted, the new selection criteria will be based on learning ability not GPA or SAT scores. He also gave examples of Samsung, Whatsapp etc.
First speaker talked about the changing imperatives in which he comprehensively discuussed about the affect of globalization and growth factors and how this is an opportunity for the world, at second he discuused about career opportunities and how loyalty in general is declining in terms of professional means, he also talked about how employee’s values and expectation have changed over time,first speaker also talked the challenge of fullfilling the dual aspects of objectives and goals and how it needs to be balanced in order to comprehend one another, at third the speaker talked abouth the improtance of goal orientation and strategic direction for a company and he also emphasized about the need of changing attitudes and mindset within a organisation, he than further added the concept of body without a soul to his talk, at the end the speaker talked about eight characteristic of a leader that should be present in the job specification of a leader. Second speaker talked about low performance culture in which he described about how perception of an employer regarding an employee can alter his/her controll and management structure which can in turn drastically affect employee motivation and performance within a company, at second most importantly he talked about unconditional and conditional regard and how positive and negative aspect of both of it can alter the attitude of an employee within an organisation. Third speaker was very unconventional in his talk, he talked about the changing time and changing perimeters of human resource management, at first he talked about recruitment through audition instead of resumes, at second he talked about how degrees over time will become unwanted and the new selection criteria can be things like -cognitive ability -Emergent leadership -Humility -Ownership -Expertise At third he talked about how internet can become the new resume, your activity on google,facebook, twitter and etc can become a big mirror for your abilities and expertise, At fourth he talked about the future of Human resource and four possible shape of it: .1. Outsource HR .2. Common-sensed HR .3. Reskilled HR .4.Innovative HR, at the end he concluded with the fact that how much an organisation needs HR and how HR should be a business driver and futurist in the coming time. BY : Syed Owais Ahmed ID = 13536
IOBM’s experiential learning agenda set for 2015 MBA program is definitely progressing by leaps and bounds. Adding further to the cause, another invaluable guest speaking session was held which was conducted by Prof. Dr. Irfan Hyder , Dean CBM and CES at IOBM, for the class “Transformational and Ethical Leadership”, facilitated by Mr. Shiraz Ahmed. The topic of the lecture was “Ethical Leadership”. While students were being called for attendance, Dr. Irfan Hyder was planning on what and how to speak on “Ethical Leadership”. It took him only seven minutes. The lecture, hence started, as a small talk. “Ek ha Ghalib, Aur ek ha Iqbal” and the lecture started with these words. For me these words were the initials (topic) of the lecture. As a keen listener and observer, I knew it instantly that this lecture is going to be insightful and fun. It seems that academic leaders like Prof. Dr. Irfan Hyder himself just can’t get enough of Iqbal and Ghalib. I have rarely attended any ...
In today's seminar Mr Salim Mazhar ( Head HR toyata motors ) and Gahuar Ali( Head HR Bayer pakistan) discussed Strategic Human Resource Management , How do Organizations view HR and the performance culture .
ReplyDeleteMr Salim stated that “ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS ARE THE PART OF EVERY LEVEL OF SENIOR COMMITTEE”. He discussed the changing imperatives . I believe that the organization is in a process of change and from values to attitude everything is changing . The career employment is declining and the recruitment process is changing . The recruitment process is very long and expensive . The criteria is set by the organization to recruit people . One of the criteria is the intellect of an individual . One with a higher level of intellect is more likely to be hired . For an organization , HRM should have a strategic direction and the survival kit is the organizations self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competency building. The challenge for the organization is to change the mindset of the people . I loved the way he explained the major threat to HR . According to him the major threat to HR is to see a body without a soul . This means that organizations have a fancy ambiance but the talent inside does not exist . Their creativity just lies in their brochures . The corporate strategy plays a major role in HR . It helps identify a mission and then achieve those goals through plans . One more topic discussed was the SWOT analysis . This is the strength , weakness , opportunity and threat of an organization . It was interesting to learn different types of emphasis in relation to the corporate body , mind and soul .
Mr Gohar Alam Siddiqui discussed Performance culture and the tools of performance management . He stated that “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” in order to work efficiently . In order to perform a climate of appreciation should be created . Work recognition and rewards are being referred here . One major thing which was discusses was that in todays world Responsibilities are increasing whereas the supply of talent is decreasing . He gave some really interesting examples regarding the mindset of people and the conditional and unconditional regard . To conclude I would say that Both the speakers believe that Mindset of people is affecting HR and once we change that or learn it then we will be successful .
It was indeed an enriching experience today. I thoroughly enjoyed the speaker’s session today as it allowed us to touch base with industry professionals.
ReplyDelete• First thing I learnt was the importance of strategy in human resource management. Mr. Salim Azhar highlighted the changing trends in the business environment and how increasing business complexities mean more opportunities. Employee values are changing, superior resources are becoming scarce, and so on. In order to preserve good values in the workforce, positive reinforcement is being employed to encourage certain behaviours. The challenging duality has prompted the need for 'thinking' people who are essentially intellectual. The changing climate has not only made job search difficult for job seekers but also for the recruiters. As such, there is a demand for selective minds to solve those complexities. Hence, the human resource is literally considered as a 'resource' and an asset. Every creative, problem solving idea contributed by the workforce is rewarded. It is what drives the workforce by providing a direction. Ultimately though, it all boils down to ‘strategy’. Without a well-developed strategy, the execution is more likely to be clumsy. So, strategy is at the heart of human resource management because it aids goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the critical elements of a leader – a leader envisions the future and sets the direction. This direction is strategic in nature and guides the workforce (or an organization for that matter) towards the objectives. So, strategy is a key component of human resource management and a lot of HR managers find it to be indispensible to their job.
• However, acquiring these intellectual minds is only one aspect of human resource management - retaining them is another important one. This was very well explained by Mr. Gohar Alam, who spoke about performance culture and 'regard'. Mind set influences one's perception of the performance culture. In short, performance is greatly tied to psychology, which is another domain managers must consider. The reward system that is instated at many organizations is meant to reward good performance. As Mr. Alam explained, performance can be categorized under any of the 4 types of 'regard': unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive, and conditional negative. And it is almost cyclical unless a positive gesture is returned with appreciation. Appreciation matters because it is a useful way of retaining employees. The present atmosphere is such that lesser experienced individuals are acquiring jobs with more responsibilities, which necessitates skills development. The focus on retention is where 'regard' kicks in. Regard allows us to understand the continuity of good performance after an individual is rewarded. Reward here does not imply monetary rewards but appreciation also works to enforce good behavior among employees. So, I learnt that appreciation is also a powerful gesture that encourages employees to keep up their good performance. Lack of appreciation however pushes an individual to the cycle whereby one moves from unconditional positive regard to unconditional negative regard.
Noor Fatima
HRM301A (14586)
Today in IOBM HRM Conflux seminar which took place in IOBM auditorium. They invited two guest speakers. Firstly Mr. Talib Karim talks about the changed which took place in the industry of Pakistan. He said that our Institution was the first institution which introduced HR as a major in Karachi. In the earlier stage or industry both Multi nationals and family owned companies didn’t think that HR has an important role in our Industry. But with the hard work of few individuals who changed the concept of HR in our industry. He further described his experience in banking sector. Then Mr. Salim Azhar who has been working in the Toyota Indus Motors as a Head of HR told us the importance of strategy in human resource management & highlighted the changing trends in the business environment and how increasing business complexities mean more opportunities. Employee values are changing; superior resources are becoming scarce, and so on. In order to preserve good values in the workforce, positive reinforcement is being employed to encourage certain behaviors. The challenging duality has prompted the need for 'thinking' people who are essentially intellectual. The changing climate has not only made job search difficult for job seekers but also for the recruiters. As such, there is a demand for selective minds to solve those complexities. Hence, the human resource is literally considered as a 'resource' and an asset. Every creative, problem solving idea contributed by the workforce is rewarded. It is what drives the workforce by providing a direction. Ultimately though, it all boils down to ‘strategy’. Without a well-developed strategy, the execution is more likely to be clumsy. So, strategy is at the heart of human resource management because it aids goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the critical elements of a leader – a leader envisions the future and sets the direction. This direction is strategic in nature and guides the workforce (or an organization for that matter) towards the objectives. So, strategy is a key component of human resource management and a lot of HR managers find it to be indispensible to their job. After Salim Azhar, Mr. Gohar Alam who is currently working as a Head of HR in Bayer Pakistan spoke about performance culture and 'regard'. Mindset influences one's perception of the performance culture. In short, performance is greatly tied to psychology, which is another domain managers must consider. The reward system that is instated at many organizations is meant to reward good performance. As Mr. Alam explained, performance can be categorized under any of the 4 types of 'regard': unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. And it is almost cyclical unless a positive gesture is returned with appreciation. Appreciation matters because it is a useful way of retaining employees. The present atmosphere is such that lesser experienced individuals are acquiring jobs with more responsibilities, which necessitates skills development. The focus on retention is where 'regard' kicks in. Regard allows us to understand the continuity of good performance after an individual is rewarded. Reward here does not imply monetary rewards but appreciation also works to enforce good behavior among employees.
ReplyDeleteMazhar Ali Alvi
And lastly Mr. Shiraz Ahmed who is a faculty, public speaker, corporate facilitator and coach. who has worked with professionals of US, UK, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and Africa. who has spoken and facilitated sessions to local and foreign diplomats , Global CEO, Executive Director and Institutional heads. He talks about the change which will happen in Human Resource Management. He said that this field like some other fields will change in near future with the help of technology. Now technology will perform a major role in Human Resource Management. He also briefs us about the ineffectiveness of curriculum vitae. He said that curriculum vitae don’t represent your capabilities and many employees exaggerate in their curriculum vitae. So you have to decide from that employee in that interview process that he is capable of your requirements or not. And he said that in near future employer not require your CV they will access all your information from internet and as an employee you should maintain your good information on internet and make sure that your name can be search from internet put all your assignments on and make sure while using internet that you make social contacts and in the end check your score on In the end he showed us some inspirational videos to motivate us.
DeleteMazhar Ali Alvi
HRM Conflux
ReplyDeleteMr. Salim Azhar (HR Director- Indus Motors)
Mr. Salim gave the major description about HR. Firstly, Describing HR as key players of any company. Then giving example of Engro and Indus Motors where he worked and how he and his group members solved the problems by developing value, good governance and mindful for employees. He even said that when Toyota did a survey last year they found out that Indus motors had raked top 5 in global HR management.
Mr. Salim gave some points about the changing imperatives which were Business complexities; Employees cannot be taken for granted, Greater scarcity of recourses, Employee values and expectations, Employee engagement, Process of recruitment. Then the challenging dualities were discussed, pointing that roles keep changing and intelligent people observe things with change.
He usually pointed out that people do bring new ideas but that doesn’t mean that they are usually right and that thing becomes a challenge. To solve these challenges managers need to work smarter with creative suggestions as he gave the example of saving time by parking the cars easily and saving seconds, so gradually saving those seconds will lead to saving hours. He said that there are many ways and it is our job to select the right way by discussing it with employees. He also discussed that the major threat to HR is body without a soul, pointing out that a company’s inside talent are usually not known. However he came to the conclusion that HRM should have a strategic direction with challenge of changing the mindsets and attitudes, as product & processes alone will not deliver. And finally he discussed that a role of model is to set directions, affirm value, empower, build trust, experiment and recognize as he gave example that if students write their favorite teachers name than most of them will write those teachers from whom they are inspired.
Mr. Gohar Aslam Siddiqui:
Mr. Gohar discussed about the performance culture, saying that performance management is the tool to learn mindset and to learn mindset there comes status. He then said that jobs are getting bigger and that means that responsibilities are increasing. And by saying that he pointed that HR is not developing and so current job cannot be done with development. It was then discussed that supply of talent is getting smaller and due to which development of skills is very much necessary. He pointed that in future less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs.
He then showed some slides pointing that the companies who have low performance culture are those where manager thinks that employees are lazy, dumb, defensive and underperforming and so they are strict, controlling, commanding which results in employees being shy, reserved, passive and cautious. On the other hand the companies with high performance are those where managers think their employees are intelligent, diligent and proactive so they are empowering, supportive, caring, demanding which leads to employees being proactively, open minded, high performing and innovative.
Order of regard was also discussed; examining that regard is respect, reputation, honor and that regard is of four types: Unconditional positive regard (which is basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does) , Unconditional negative regard , Conditional positive regard (It is where positive regard, praise and approval, depend upon the employees) , Conditional Negative regard ( It predicts feelings of resentment toward employees, which then predict deregulation of negative emotions and disengagement )
Submitted by: Sidra Gulzar (14163)
Today’s session has been a valuable addition to my knowledge on HR, as it has allowed me to have an insight into how human resource is being dealt with in the Pakistani environment.
ReplyDelete• Mr. Saleem Azhar- Head HR Indus Motors emphasized the fact that all individuals are key stakeholders in an organization and if employee starts thinking of his role in a manner that he’s contributing ‘value’ to the firm and that his ‘part’ is important and makes a difference, he is definitely going to put up his maximum effort into what he does. Now here is when HR comes in with an important role. It is entrusted with the important responsibility of retaining and training its people- guiding them to the extent that they become self sufficient. Its also the responsibility of HR to transcend the good governance inherited by the company to the employees. Employer engagement is an important role of HR without which the employees don’t feel that they are being involved in the affairs of the company hence they leave the firm. The process of recruitment is expensive and retaining good talent hard therefore the right people for the right jobs must be the core function of HR, people who work with their minds not hands. In this complex changing environment there is a need to develop a culture where no one hesitates in sharing their ideas and innovative solutions to make the firm more competitive, as every second counts. HR is emerging out of the traditional role of book keeping to becoming a change agent and an employee champion. What’s a challenge now is to change mindsets and attitudes, products and processes alone cannot deliver. Bosses and supervisors need to understand diversity and complimentarity will lead to self renewal, commitment and excellence leading to the development of visionary companies.
• Gohar Alam- HR Bayer suggests that the mind sets of HR managers have to change to accommodate the fast changing work force. Today employees need to be trusted to have the skills to be proactive and given the importance of being an important asset to the organization. “Regard” is something that is the need of a human being, be it a peon or a supervisor. Its essentially important to respect your people otherwise they’ll either leave you or be incredibly unhappy- and you don’t want that. He explained how regard can be divided into unconditional positive regard, conditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and conditional negative regard. This is a cyclical process and focuses on behavior and relationships. If not dealt with properly it might lead to “DISREGARD”. Finally he also talked about how jobs are changing and getting bigger and diversified with more and more responsibilities and duties.
• I would conclude by saying that it was a very informative session telling us that we can indeed bring what we learn in our classrooms to the organizations.
Mahwish Rafi (13250)
• Then Mr. Shiraz Ahmed, faculty HR-IoBM, started his speech full energetically and with great motivation. He showed some great future trends in Human Resource Management, because future of HR is very innovative and competitive. He showed some great examples of Google, Samsung, and Whatsapp etc that what type of trend they will be following in future which is not far away. He further told about how resumes will be viewed by organizations in future. All a person needs to do is to update his linkedin, facebook, twitter etc because companies will be recruiting employees through these social sites mainly. After that he showed some great motivational and inspirational videos regarding future trends in HR, and everyone really liked the way he conveyed lesson able message to the audience.
ReplyDeleteIn the end I would conclude by saying that this seminar was a great lesson and experience for us.Faculy like Sir Shiraz is really a precious asset for IoBM, as HR plays an important role in industry. These seminars should be promoted everywhere in order to create interest of the people.
It was such a good and learning experience, as today’s seminar really inspires me in thinking creatively about Human Resource. And it allowed us to have an insight into what business professionals think about HR.
ReplyDelete• First of all, starting with Mr.Salim Azhar’s speech, he said that we youth are the biggest asset for his firm because according to him, employees are the key stakeholders. The biggest challenge in Strategic HR is to preserve the values and good governance. Way of positive enforcement plays an important role in the development and productivity of employees. He showed his gratitude towards not having a specific office for true guidance regarding all the matters of Human Resource in our country.Furthermore he appreciated IoBM’S Graduates. Last week they had a HR presentation in which a girl of IoBM who joined Indus Motors last year as a trainee gives an amazing presentation on HR which was completely a true picture of trends following in HR today.All you need is to see the challenges faced by HR today, complexities unleashes oppurtunities.And career development is almost on decline. Step change in employee values and expectations is very important for productive results. Recruitment process is changing day by day i.e. very long plus expensive. Job enrichment, skills enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity and professional management are the key areas to be focused deeply in Strategic Human Resource Management.Furthermore, inspiring environment by attitudes and behaviors is also important. And bringing new ideas from the people by interacting and involving them in organizations’ matters, because taking two steps is the duty of every employee for perfection. And he concluded his session by mentioning the last challenge that Human Resource face i.e. to believe HR is as big body without a soul. Set high standards, to achieve high expectations.
• Then Mr.Gohar Alam, Head HR-Bayer Pakistan, started his speech with the topic of Performance culture that holds a deep position in Human Resource department. He said “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” for working effectively and efficiently. Climate of appreciation should be created to better compete with the challenges. One very interesting thing he shared with us was that “RESPONSIBILITIES ARE INCREASING WHEREAS THE SUPPLY OF TALENT IS DECREASING”, it is very hard to find talented people, as job demands for multifunctional tasks. He explained the two categories of culture i.e. LOW performance culture vs. HIGH performance culture, and by giving some real life examples, really captured the interest if audience. Furthermore he stated that there are four major types of regard. Regard is basically the respect that usually an employee expects from his/her superiors. The four areas were unconditional +ve regard,unconditional –ve regard,conditional +ve regard,and conditional –ve regard.
By giving examples, he really broadens our concepts, and said that if all the four categories of regard are absent, then DISREGARD arises as a result. I got to know love can be a powerful motion which encourages staff to maintain the good efficiency. Lack of love on the other hand catapults somebody towards the routine by which 1 goes by unconditional positive regard towards behaving unconditional negative regard.
HRM Conflux:
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed a great day full of learning about what HR really is in the actual world. There were two renowned people who share their years of experience about HR.
Salim Azhar:
He is the HR Director at Indus Motors and he shared his 35 years of experience learning about HR field. He basically explained the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management. He pointed out the changing trends in business environment and how increasing business complexities are unleashing opportunities. He further discussed the employee engagement concept. He said with the change in trends we need to preserve our employees, who are our assets and we can only preserve them by appreciating them or by giving them appraisal. He further discussed about recruitment process that it’s very important to hire right and effective people for the desired job. Then, changing dualities were discussed where he said only sharp and intelligent people can deal with it. He further discussed about the creativity and bringing new ideas in the organization. He also discussed that the major threat to HR is body without a soul, pointing out that a company’s inside talent are usually not known. He said strategy is main concern in HR; everything has to be governed, covered and backup by a strategy. He said that moving from tangible assets to emotional attachment is where HR lies. And, with the end he discussed the role of a leader that he affirm values, build trust, team spirit, recognize, reward and motivate others.
Gohar Aalam Siddiqui:
He is the head HR at Bayer Pakistan and he shared is 25 years of learning in this field. He discussed about the performance culture and mind sets of people in today’s world. He started with an example that a father and a son was going and they both met with a serious accident son shifted to A hospital and father shifted to B hospital, when Dr. John came to see the son doctor stated I can operate he’s my relative, now basically people will assume that he is his grandfather and only few people will say that doctor is her mother and that is where we can have idea about their mind sets. He said it’s very important to change our mind sets which will lead to have better performance culture in the organization. He further said, jobs are getting better and bigger and talent is getting scarce so in near future we need skilled people for the jobs. He discussed about low performance culture that in this type of culture manager disregard his employee, is strict and thinks his employees are lazy and dumb where as in high performance culture manager motivates its employees, thinks that his employees are proactive and open minded. Order of regard was also discussed that regard means respect and honor. He explained four types of regards: a) unconditional positive, b) conditional positive, c) conditional negative and d) unconditional negative. He said unconditional regards affects are relationships whereas conditional regards affects our behavior.
Arooj Saeed (14313)
The HR conference attended today October 28 , 2014 from 10:45 – 12:15 was a great source of knowledge and learning . It helped to sort on the foggy views and doubtful future of the HR industry . The well known , impressive personalities that gave us the lectures were very inspiring . They addressed in a very friendly and comfortable manner that actually helped us to retain our interest and learn from them .
ReplyDeleteThe conference started with qirat followed by an opening by our rector Mr. Talib Karim . There were 3 speakers
The first guest was MR SALIM AZHAR who is the head HR of INDUS MOTORS .
He focused basically on the current scenario , how scenarios are changing and how HR should be adjusted to fit it well with the changing dynamics . He said that the imperatives are changing . Globalization is expanding providing providing opportunities for growth and many other potential ones. Because of this globalization and mobility , scarcity of resources is taking place so jobs should be made more enriched and enhanced . ( DIVERSIFIED) . For this a very inspiring environment , attitude and behaviours should be adopted to actually make this possible . Such things should be considered in recruiting processes as well .
He further discussed different challenging dualties . Like vision vs. reality , change vs. continuity , differenciation vs. integration , individualism vs. teamwork , delegation vs. control , action vs. reflection etc.
He discussed that the idea is that the enterprise should have a well strategically directed HRM , it should stay committed to it . Should encompass diversity as well and ultimately change attitudes and mindsets through this . It should not be a body without soul . The soul is the main focus .
He further discussed that the role of HRM has changed from policy administrator , free fighter and book keeper to change agent , productivity and quality consultant , employee champion and strategic business partner .
Then discussing the importance of HR strategy , corporate strategy , SWOT analysis , he moved on to the discussion of the role of a leader and said leader should be a set of direction , articulation , affirm values , inspiration .etc.
TALEYA ( 12745)
2. MR GOHAR ALAM SIDDIQUI ( Head HR of Bayer , Pakistan )
ReplyDeleteHe holds a 25+ years diversified experience in prestigious organizations . He had a very interactive session . He explained the following basic things :
• A high performance culture starts with the mindset of the recruiter . He learns this from his experience . He showed 2 tabular representations which concluded that if the guy perceives employees positively and supports them positively via empowerment , support , the output is proactive and highly productive performance . however , if viceversa happens then output is viceversa too .
• He said these days jobs are getting bigger and supply of talent is getting smaller . So it would actually result in giving less experienced people , bigger jobs .
• He finaly discussed regard . He said its of 2 types CONDITIONAL , UNCONDITIONAL . Either of it has its positive and negative sides . It starts initially with positive unconditional but if not responded well enters the phase of positive conditional , however if not regarded well further moves to the negative zone of conditional regard and then negative unconditional regard . Ultimately to DISREGARD . He explained this well with the help of examples .
He is an HR faculty at IoBM . He has great knowledge and is a great source of learning .
He discussed TODAYS WORLD AND HR . How it is moving out of the particular lines , beyond expectations towards new approaches . He told us that schools are killing creativity and this is well explained at TED . Degrees are getting out and so no more college brand or value proposition . He told us of the new selection criteria i.e. cognitive ability , emergent leadership , humility , ownership , expertise . He further said that internet is the new resume , what we should take into strict consideration is that our name should appear in proper reference and not get associated with badly reputed stuff. He said fb , linkidin network etc should be used for networking and klout score will tell us our score . further he said that PMS is getting OUT of focus now and no more pay on appraisals as said by Harvard . He then discussed the future of HRM and concluded that every organization needs HR , it needs to be a business driver and futurist and very crucial in the VUCA world ( volatile , uncertain , complex , ambiguous )
He finally said that ACTION needs 2 basic things
1. Passion
2. Experimental learning
These are 2 very important elements to direct towards success , as seen in the 2 clips . like we saw in the experimental learning clip that the kid struggles hard to sell pineapple icecream but failed , then other directed her to learn from the market how other are doing . Once she did her experimental learning she carried out the process in a succesfull manner .
I would conclude by saying that this conference was a matter of seeking information and learning . the aim is achieved . in a very comfortable environment , the current HR and the future shape of it was discussed to clear our minds on establishing and realizing the importance of this field .
Today, on October 28, 2014, a confererence was organized by our Human Resource management class. This was a very informative and influential conference because the leaders of HRM came and presented their views about HRM principles. The summary of what these “GURUS” talked about is described below: -
ReplyDelete1. SALIM AZHAR: -
He talked about the expectations we will hold when we will make our career choices and how we face disappointments because of the perception we have of the typical workplace in Pakistan. The topic he talked about was STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.
Global growth is taking place, business complexities are emerging. The more complex your business/market becomes, the more discerning mind you need to manage those complexes. The first organization that comes out of those complexities gets a competitive advantage. Career employment, life-long associations are on a decline, so employees should not be taken for granted. When you are searching for a job, never think that someone is doing you a favor. Go with that sense of confidence that you are a valuable asset for them.
Good employer has to be very mindful and cautious of the employee engagement. You have to have an inspiring environment and an attitude. There is a lot at stake when you have to attract quality people. The process of recruitment is very very long. Days, weeks and months go by to find them, attract them and recruit them. They want people that have a huge level of intellectual capacity, people who can bring changes. You need to realize that when you are being interviewed, how is your interviewer looking at you, and that is how they frame questions. We want people who can have continuous improvement (Kaizen). You should know how to work smartly. Every second should be saved. People should be receptive and if the employer doesn’t give the employees the power for innovations and sticks to his procedures, he is killing the organization, as there is no one right way. The perfect way can only be picked through discussion. The biggest challenge in HR is to have a body without soul meaning that if the employee is not satisfied, he will not contribute to the organization. You should concentrate on the soul. Be mindful of it and don’t let it turn you on. Every action of an HR should be governed by a strategy as everything has to be converted to employee’s advantage.
ReplyDeleteHe talked about performance management and performance appraisals. In business there are business objectives as to what to achieve and how to achieve. We need to learn about mindset.. Status is a psychological necessity. We are chasing for praises constantly. For performance, there should be an environment of appreciation and it is necessary to measure it. Jobs are getting bigger, meaning that responsibilities are increasing. We should constantly develop ourselves in our current jobs only. Nowadays supply of talent is getting smaller. There is a research that less experienced people will be doing greater jobs. So you have to develop and train them and understand what kind of structure you have to build so that these people stay in this organization. For this purpose, we need to understand regard or order of regard.
Regard means respect and honor. Regard is of 4 types: -
• Unconditional regard: - this means you give respect to that person irrespective of any work done by him, any benefit or favor for e.g. a new employee.
• Conditional regard: - the unconditional regard finishes with time and now the person realizes that he has to do something to gain regard and then he starts working. The regard at this moment that is due to his contribution is conditional regard.
• Unconditional (negative) regard: - here he performs well, makes his contribution but still does not get any regard. This can lead to de-motivation, this directs relationship as the relationship between the employee and employer worsens.
• Conditional (negative) regard: - this is when you do something good but instead of earning respect, you earn disrespect. This directs behavior as the employee will not behave as he should due to de-motivation.
You should give conditional regard in a way that motivates your employee to come to work. For e.g., if the employee is sick, instead of sending him bouquet at home you should talk to him in such a way that he would like to come because else they would think that it is better to be sick at home and get bouquets rather than coming to work. After this assessment you will know about the behavior and relationship in organization. If you don’t get positive regard in an organization, people go towards conditional negative regard, which is their behavior changes. If here also nothing happens, then comes disregard where they just waste time then and do only the limited work.
ReplyDeleteHe talked about what is happening to HR in the world and how the the world will be in future due to HR. today’s world is disrupted by the GOOGLE. We can find every single thing in google. The objective of business school is not only the teaching, but the learning. The leading educationist of the world, Ken Robinson says that the school kills creativity. The owner of wassap is a billionaire and got a job in yahoo without any degree. An application can make you a millionaire or a billionaire. This is where the world is heading. HR managers say that the future of the recruitment is not by CV but by their auditions because 90% of your resume lies. We exaggerate too much. Your college branding is not going to help you anymore if you do not have the skills or the competencies required by future organization. They will focus on your value proposition. This is the new selection criteria. HR manager of google said that these 5 attributes are going to be the recruitment parameters
a. Cognitive ability: -its about your learning ability.
b. Emerging leadership
c. Humility
d. Ownership
e. Expertise
We should cut our resume short and focus on 3 things.
How well our name appears on Google
Make your account on LinkedIn and have your network
Be interactive on face book so that you could show how much you are engaging
World doesn’t require GPA or GMAT scores anymore. Experts say that stop basing your performance appraisal and stop co-coordinating it with your pay. Make future not through money but through meaningful work. It takes a purpose to become a billionaire.
4 possible things that can happen in future:-
Most of HR is going to be outsourced.
Its going to be business focused
Its going to be innovative based
The world is going to be VUCA ( volatile, uncertain,complex and ambigious).
You need these things to be the HR; Passion, precedence and experiential learning.
In today’s HR seminar three highly influential leaders of Human Resource shared valuable information with us regarding HR principles:
ReplyDeleteFirstly, Salim Azhar, HR head at Toyota Indus Motors talked about Strategic Human Resource Management. How do we see HR in the workplace? How does HR grow? He stated that HR function is seen as a key player in every organization because their role is to bring ‘key’ talent in the organization which would be an asset for the company and since this function is time consuming and expensive, HR managers have to act intellectually. He also talked about changing imperative in which globalization, growth and business complexities are emerging and in order to manage those complexities you need more discerning minds. Career employment and life-long association are on a verge of decline, therefore, employees cannot be taken for granted. The scarcity of superior resources is a major challenging reality of today’s business world. There has to be an inspiring environment, attitudes, behavior and role models to stimulate and retain human resource in an organization and good employer has to be very mindful and cautious of the employee engagement. He further stated that Human Resources Strategy is very important for any organization because it helps in goal attainment and provides a direction. This is one of the role of an effective leader as he envisions the future, sets direction and high standards and build trust and team spirit. One more topic discussed was the SWOT analysis. This is the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of an organization. Finally, he concluded his lecture with a phrase “body without a soul” which is a threat and a challenge for HR these days. It basically means that if an employee is not satisfied, he would contribute nothing towards the organization. Hence, strategy is a key component of Human Resource and plays a very critical role in the development of any organization.
Secondly, Mr. Gohar Alam, HR head at Bayer Pakistan explained about Performance culture and “regard”. He emphasized on the mindset of two different types of employers – one that perceives the employees as very dumb and lazy and in order to maintain high performance culture he creates strict and controlling environment as a result of which employees feel they are not taken seriously in the organization and feel untrusted and demotivated and they behave skeptically and shy and do not exert efforts. On the other hand, second mindset of the employer is such that they perceive the employees as intelligent, proactive and an asset of the organization and in order to reach a high performance culture he behaves supportively towards them and create empowering and caring culture due to which employees feel trusted and valued by the employers which leads to proactive and high performing behavior what contributes to the goal attainment of the organization. Furthermore, Mr. Gohar explained that there are four categories of regards: unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative and they are sequential. First an employee experiences unconditional positive regard then he goes towards conditional positive regard. If both are not responded well he moves to conditional negative and finally to unconditional negative. In addition, he said that trust and appreciation are two important factors in retaining the employees in any organization. The present corporate atmosphere is such that people with less experience are getting more jobs because they are provided with training and skill development.
RAMLA ABID (13650)
Mr. Shiraz Ahmed discussed about what is happening in HR in today’s world and how will the world be in future in HR. Today’s world is disruptive by Google. Everything is available in google. The objective of business school these days is about learning and not about teaching. The leading educationalist Ken Robinson said school kills creativity. The founder of WhatsApp is now a billionaire because this is a world of apps where any application can make you a millionaire or a billionaire. The future of recruitment is not by CV but by your audition as 90% of your resumes and we exaggerate too much. Your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skills and competencies count. Also,
ReplyDeleteHR manager of google said that these 5 attributes are going to be the recruitment parameters:
• Cognitive ability
• Emerging leadership
• Humility
• Ownership
• Expertise
To fulfill the recruitment criteria, focus on the following three things:
• Make sure your name appears well on Google search
• Make an account on LinkedIn and have a network
• Engage well on Facebook
And lastly, 4 possible things that can happen in future:-
• Most of HR is going to be outsourced.
• It is going to be business focused
• It is going to be innovative based
• The world is going to be VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous).
RAMLA ABID (13650)
All the speakers were truly amazing having full command over the subject. So starting with:
ReplyDeleteMr. Salim Azhar
He explained why Strategic Human Resource Management is important. And how do we preserve good value, exercise good government and how do we mange the relationship between shareholder and the employee. He told us that HR is the key player at an organization and discussed the Changing Imperatives in organizations, that growth and business complexities are unleashing areas of potential opportunities, the importance of career employment that you cannot be taken for granted, you got to have attitude, inspiring environment to retain human capital, and employee engagement has a strong meaning.
He also emphasized on intellectual ability of an employee i.e. in an organization we need thinking people, working with their ‘heads’ and not just hands. They should absorb the changing environment and know the duality of dealing with the conflict situation.
HRM has to have ‘strategic’ direction. Through Strategic Human Resource Management, the organization will achieve self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustain competencies. For market leadership, agility is the key driver. So basically, the challenge of SHRM is to change the attitudes and mind-sets of people. Product and processes will not deliver it alone. We should put spirit in what we do, we should maintain a check-list. Body without a soul is a threat to us. This provides us with a direction and leader sets the direction that where he is and where does he aim to go in future? He sets high standard and high expectations, builds trust, team spirit and tenacity, he recognizes, rewards and celebrates, and encourages calculated risk taking as well and affirm values.
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ReplyDeleteMr. Gauhar Alam
ReplyDeleteHe discussed Performance Management, Performance Appraisal and Regard. He also emphasized on changing our mind-sets. Employees see how others are treated like school kids do. So we need to create the climate of appreciation and measure it. Jobs are getting bigger which means responsibilities are also increasing. So we should develop ourselves or we won’t enjoy doing our current job and also we won’t be able to move forward. And this will eventually turn out as: less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. And for that ORDER Of Regard should be understood.
There are 4 types of Regards:
1-Unconditional Positive Regard: Practicing unconditional positive regard means accepting and respecting others as they are without judgment or evaluation. It simply refers to acceptance of others whether you like them or not. Eg: Welcoming an employee, greeting him.
2- Unconditional Negative Regard: After 3 months, it’s over! So the employee thinks to do something to get the regard. So he gives his 100 percent and does all the work but he doesn’t get the regard so he’s highly de-motivated for this attitude.
3- Conditional Regard: is the facilities provided at the workplace which are missed when you stay at home. So the employee is motivated to go to office to attain these facilities.
4- Conditional Negative Regard: It predicts feelings of resentment, which then predict deregulation of negative emotions and disengagement. We don’t realize what’s happening. If someone’s not doing well.. people say: You’re late! You have to be punctual! So the employee thinks Oh he’s getting the regard even for negative behavior..and then it becomes a habit for him as well.
Sir Shiraz Ahmed
He discussed about Today’s world and HR, that it is disrupted by Google as everything can be found on Google, and how ¼ MBA curriculum is scrapped because of TED, how schools kill creativity and Khan Academy- teacher less class. Ken Robinson says that schools creativity. Facebook purchasing Whatsapp for $19 billion..This is where the world is leading to. So HR managers tell us the Future Recruitment would be needing only 1 page Resume, that is to-the-point, and people would be hired by auditions. No more College brand, they won’t care about where you studied from but they will see if your competent enough for their organization- main focus would be how you add value to them. Ne w selection criteria would be cognitive ability, humility, emergent leadership and ownership and expertise. Internet will be your new resume, seeing where and how your name appears on Google, the content you provide on SlideShare, your LinkedIn profile, Facebook- the things you like and comment on, all your activities will be monitored. Your GMAT and SAT score would not matter. Performance management is out. No more pay on Appraisal- Harvard. Money would not matter but what your human skills will.
He said 2 basic actions are needed:
1) Passion
2) Experiential Learning
The Samsung and Pine Apple Ice cream video helped understand these actions.
This session was very informative and it was a great experience for all of us learning from Head HRs of Bayer and Toyota and obviously Sir Shiraz Ahmed. So basically I learned about SHRM, changing trends, leadership roles, changing mind-sets, order of regard and lastly about today’s world of HR and the future as well.
The today’s seminar of Human Resource Management was a very influential and a great learning experience. The three of the speakers added much information and help for students who are seeking their careers in this field.
ReplyDeleteOur very first speaker Mr. Asim Azhar who is the HR director in Indus Motors and acquire more than 35 years of diversified working experience. Firstly he mentioned the changing imperatives of today’s world. The potential opportunities are becoming possible with the globalization and growth in business. The employers don’t take the employee career as granted as it is turning to be the most valuable asset for them. More over employee value and expectation are changing with the job enrichment, skill enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity, inspiring environment and employee engagement. He further mentioned that good employees show employee engagement. The process of recruitment is very long and expensive. The changing duties are also the consequence of changing world. The organizations require those people who work with their heads not only with the hands. The capable people have the ability to deal with it. The people should be able to deal with the conflicts and become the problem solver. Moreover he mentions that organization should adopt such environment which encourages new ideas. People should be able to able to come up with new ideas and suggestions. These create suggestions if worth it should be rewarded either in terms of monetary or non-monetary incentives. Hrm requires havingstrategic direction in enterprises. The treat now a days our body without soul that means it’s not only the infra-structure that maters but also the spirit. The corporatestrategy plays a major role. The swot analysis was also discussed. He advised that your real day is the one when you enter the work place not when you leave it. HR is actually the soul of the organizations.
The other speaker Mr. Gohar aslam was is at Bayer Pakistan and had more than 25 years of diversified working experience. Firstly he said the jobs are getting bigger that means same job requires more and more roles and duties. For this we need to develop ourselves. The order of regard is important. Regard can be divided into four types unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. He gave the example of a boy who came to his father while he was busy in some work, he didn’t pay any attention to him. So he the boy said that he scored good marks in this way the unconditional regard positive moved to conditional regard positive. If father appreciated him this will stop here but if he continues not to pay any attention to him this will turn into conditional regard negative which feeling of disrespect and further moves on. Similarly if aperson is not on job due to some illness sending him flowers will not be a good decision while setting up some healthy environment like bringing exercise machine or initiating yoga classes will be helpful for him. This will help to reduceabsenteeism from work and gave the idea to employee that the organization cares for him.
Then the third speaker who was our very own teacher Mr. Shiraz Ahmed stood to talk on future trend of HR. His speech was very influential and gave many learning aspects of life. Some of the major points he mentioned was that the future of the employees is by HR recruiters. The recruitment data consist of cognitive, engagement leadership, ownership and enterprise. The two very important things and the extract of whole presentation were innovation and experiential learning.
Noor ulainhaider
Sir Shiraz Ahmed presented on the future trends in HR. He spoke on the HR trends what happening in today’s world and what will be leading trends in future. He told us that today’s world is disruptive of google. Google is involved in every aspect of our life now days. We are so use to of it that we google even about our daily matters. He also said that today schools are killing the creativity of student. Plus there is no more value of college brands actually it does not matter anymore. Today degrees are not very important if you know your work. The selection criteria are cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility and ownership. In near future there will be no need of resumes what will matter is where your name appears on google search engine. The person should pay a serious consideration where his name is appearing. He should be active fb, LinkedIn networks and other social forums. He further mentioned that performance management system is getting obsolete. He said that need of HR is getting into more focus and there importance in every organization is increasing. He told about the key elements which every action needs are passion and experimental learning. They both are the ingredients behind a successful person. he showed us two of the clips which further elaborated the points. One of the clips was about the technological advancement and where the world is heading in near future. Other clip showed a story of a poor kid who came up with the idea of selling pineapple ice crèmes and she observed from the market how to sell her product. This learning helped her and she was successfully selling her ice crèmes. This was a very interactive and learning secession. This will help us to guide in our future.
DeleteNoorulain haider
The seminar conducted today was an informative session about HR Practices and how the role of HRM is changing according to today's requirements.
ReplyDelete1- Mr. Salim Azhar - Head HR Indus Motors, talked mainly on the topic Strategic HRM. He explained that how every employee is a stakeholder for organization and how the industry is going through a challenge. Good values should be preserved and therefore good governance becomes mandatory. He gave an example of how Indus Motors takes care of its employees by following a well-founded HR process and just because of that, Indus Motors was rated among Top 5 firms with good HR practices globally. Every employee should feel valuable, no one should be taken for granted because this is the only way how an employee will realize his/her true worth and come up with amazing outputs. Career Consideration should be there, it involves job enrichment, skill enhancement, gender diversity, equal opportunity, professional management. He also added that we should not feel that a company is making us a favor by hiring us, we should not be taken for granted. Companies should preserve assets that appreciate! The process of recruitment is very comprehensive, time consuming and expensive, and therefore it takes a lot of time to trace the right talent for the right job because talent and skills are something that companies ave a tough time finding in. Businesses should create opportunities in order to expand. We must identify what a company is looking for in us, they question us about our values and expectations. Supervisors should understand that diversity and complimentarity go parallel. For every firm, HRM has to have a strategic direction followed by organizational and self renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competencies. The right way to do things is by changing attitudes and mindsets because only products and processes will not deliver the right results.
2- Mr. Gohar Alam - HR Bayer, focused on Performance Culture and demonstrated this concept by giving examples of mindsets of male and female HR managers, He explained that Status is psychological necessity, we want to be respected and valued. Regard is very important role player in organizations and every individual should be given respect in order to motivate him, boost up his self confidence and to get better productivity. An organization must create a climate of appreciation, because performance culture is beyond performance management and performance appraisals. He also suggested us to acquire skills after our graduation because skills are now really hard to find. Organizations must develop, retain and understand their employees to make them stay longer.
All in all it was a very informative session and it indeed helped me to relate HR theories with its practical applications in the organizations.
Nishat Fatima
ReplyDeletePerhaps the most inspiring of all the talks was by Mr. Shiraz Ahmad who is our instructor for the HRM course. The inclusion of the videos made it more interactive without even having to prove the point through spoken words. It enlightened me regarding the current as well as future trends in human resource management. The whole talk gave me a new perspective about human resources and its future. It allowed me to have a far-sighted insight into how the HR is being run today and how it will be run in the coming years. Forget GPAs, SAT, GMAT, long and useless resumes, teaching-oriented pedagogy, asynchronous interactions, and college branding. With new disruptive technologies, emergence of MOOCs, and revolution in communication and knowledge-sharing, the world has already taken a step into the future. The new environment will be characterized by VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity). One of the clichéd statements describing HR is the placement of the right individual on the right job. However clichéd as it may sound, it is still true and relevant for today. The right individual is always the one who is passionate about their job. This determines the match between a job and an individual. So, passion is key to landing the right job where one feels at home. Then ongoing learning is something that helps learning and development of an individual. The best skills are those that are learnt through experience and one gains experience by immersing oneself into the environment. To sum it up, the session was very informative and thoroughly inspiring.
Noor Fatima
HRM301A (14586)
•Mr Salim Azhar (HR Director Toyota Motors) stated that “HR group is the part of every senior committee in a good organization” in order to earn that they have to do things differently. HR is seen as a key player in every organization because they have to bring key people in order to provide organization with a competitive advantage. He also talked about the changing imperatives globalization, growth, complexities, inspiring environment, behaviors, role models etc and in order to manage such complexities you need more intellectual people plus you need to make employees feel engaged to the business this can happen by creating opportunities for the people and continuous development. The recruitment function of HR is very important as with the help of it organizations get employees but it is also very time consuming and expensive and should be done in the right manner. Criteria of recruitment is set by the organization, one of the criteria is intellect of an individual. People with higher intellect are more likely to get jobs. Every creative idea should be rewarded to make employees feel motivated. Further he said that human resource strategy which is linked with corporate strategy of organization is very important because it helps organization achieve its goals and provides a direction. The role of the leader is also to envision the future and set directions, build trust, team spirit and recognize, reward and motivate its people. He used a phrase “body without a soul” which is a threat for HR these days it basically means that organization without talented and intellectual people are nothing. Last thing which he discussed was the swat analysis which is the study of strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat of an organization. In short HR strategy is very important for organization and plays an important role in its development.
ReplyDelete•Mr. Gohar Alam (Head HR Bayer Pakistan) said that “WE NEED TO LEARN THE MINDSET” in order to perform effectively and efficiently. He discussed about the “performance culture”. There are basically two performance cultures in an organization one is low and the other one is high. In low performance culture employers think that employees are very dumb, lazy and create a strict controlling environment in return employees feel de motivated and not trusted and behave shy and reserved. Where as in high performance culture the employers think that employees are very intelligent and hardworking due to this the employees feel trusted and motivated which leads to a behavior of employees that supports organizations goal. There are four types of regards unconditional positive, unconditional negative, conditional positive and conditional negative. One point he made that “RESPONSIBILITIES ARE INCREASING WHEREAS THE SUPPLY OF TALENT IS DECREASING”, it is very hard to find talented people, because one job demands multitasking. Further he said that respect and appreciation is very important in a working environment without these no company will be able to retain its people. The present atmosphere is such that people with less experience are getting more jobs in which they are trained and converted into valuable assets for the company.
•Mr. Shiraz Ahmed spoke about the “FUTURE TRENDS IN HR”. He shared some interesting points like today’s world is disrupted by Google, objectives of business school these days are not teaching but learning of students, future recruitment is not based on Cv all the people need to use LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter because from here employers will be contacting potential people, your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skill counts, the new selection criteria will be based on learning ability not GPA or SAT scores. He also gave examples of Samsung, Whatsapp etc. He told us 4 things about HR that will happen in future:
•Outsourced HR
•Common sensed HR
•Business Focused HR
•Innovative HR
I would conclude by saying that this was very informative session which has increased my knowledge about HR. Therefore, I wish to attend more of these in near future.
Today's HRM Conflux was an enlightening and informative event. I really enjoyed listening to the gurus of management. The session also helped me gain an understanding of how HR jobs operate in the real world which is quite different from bookish world. Mr Sali Azher who spoke first told us that globalization had resulted in business complexities. Job responsibilities of HR had widened due to global focus. Employee expectations had changed. They wanted gender diversity, skill enhancement, equal opportunity. As a result HR managers had to give training and other characteristics mentioned before to retain employees. Citing an example of Indus Motors he said that open attitudes of managers towards junior staff enabled junior staff to suggest improvement in work processes. Thus employee engagement is crucial according to him in HRM. He further said that today's talent market was suffering from scarcity of talent and it was essential to retain employees through creating inspiring environment and good engagement strategies. The second speaker Mr Goher told us that a positive attitude of HR manager towards his employees results in a supportive, caring, empowering behavior which makes employees feel valued, supported and important in an organization. This consequently results in employees proactive and innovative on the job which helps in setting up a high performance culture in an organization. He further elaborated that negative attitude of HR manager would result in disregard of employees regarding their senior management. In short HR managers of today should motivate their employees to retain them. Our very own sir Shiraz Ahmed spoke about how technology has revolutionized HR.
ReplyDeleteHe said that in today's world college brand does not matter to the recruiter. What matters is the value proposition of the candidate which essentially means the personality and skills of the candidate. In today's market selection criteria is determined by five things,
1) Cognitive ability
2)Emergent leadership
Sir Shiraz further elaborated that there was no need for a formal CV because thanks to the internet the Facebook profile, Linkedin profile was enough for recruiters to know about a candidate's qualifications
Ahson Ali (14773)
Today’s seminar was undeniably a wonderful learning experience which substantiated that there are some things you only learn through experience. I feel fortunate to have been a part of it.
ReplyDelete• Mr. Salim Azhar - Head HR Toyota Indus Motors
Mr. Saleem Azhar highlighted the importance of strategic human resource management in today’s workplace since he has gained an insight to it because of his good fortune in frequent job rotation and work experience in notorious organizations including Engro. As parroted by him the major challenge faced regarding human resource management is how do we reserve value and exercise good governance? Since the two important things building up an organization are Employee shareholder (deriving dividends) and employee (i.e. earning your wages no matter what) the major challenge is positive employee reinforcement. At first, he emphasized on the need to be self-sufficient quoting an example from his experience that no overseas office to guide the organization meant self-sufficiency was essential. Quoting more examples from his work experience, he stated that at joining Indus Motors, the most compelling thing was that the auto industry was growing rapidly and advancements were taking place on daily basis. In such situations it is vital for an organization to train its human resource according to the modifications to increase employee productivity. Among the different questions that are arising one was about how we see HR in the workplace. Is it the way the world sees it or does the progressive workplace see it differently? Among the challenging imperatives the first one highlighted that global growth is taking place which is leading to business complexities. However, if seen positively the complexities give more opportunities because increasing complexities mean that the employees would want to manage them in the shortest time period. Moreover, in terms of finding a job we must make sure that we are not taken for granted and that someone is doing us a favor. Greater mobility is also an added challenge and your human resource is only beneficial if it appreciates. He elaborated the change in employee values and expectations, job enrichment, gender diversity and professional management. Speaking on equal opportunity a valuable example was that the ages of the current CEOs ranges between 33-35 years of age whereas in the past, the legacy was that no one retired. Furthermore, attitude and an inspiring environment is also a necessary need, therefore, identifying and hiring the right people is difficult. The process of doing so is very expensive and you can’t afford to make mistakes. We need smarter people because we are in the changing world which constitutes of two spectrums and calls for people with intellectual skills. Also, conflicts aren’t always fights but include making decisions so that everyone should be able to voice their opinions. Therefore, HRM should have a strategic direction else it would be a back off. Organizational self-renewal, commitment to excellence and sustained competencies building is the survival kit. In short, strategic HRM leads to a “big body but with a soul".
ReplyDelete• Mr. Gohar Alam - Head HR Bayer Pakistan
Mr.Gohar Alam presented on performance culture. He started with the common statement that we live in a male dominated society. We have to come out of this box. At first, we need to learn the mindsets and change them accordingly so that they fit the requirements of the changing business environments. Giving examples he said that experience lags behind if the mindset is not positive. However, positive mindset leads to a caring, supportive and demanding behavior due to which the employees feel trusted. Beyond benefits and compensation measuring performance is very important. Since the jobs are getting bigger the responsibilities are also increasing. The main problem is that the HR does not develop itself. To add on, he stated that the supply of talent is decreasing and a degree is not adequate, you need to develop skills. For this reason, less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. He described regard as the degree of respect, reputation and honor given to an employee. Each employee longs for it and not providing it leads to dissatisfaction. He talked about the four types of regards namely, conditional positive regard, unconditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and unconditional negative regard. These regards direct behavior or relations and failure to deal with them leads to disregard.
• Shiraz Ahmed
Sir Shiraz Ahmed presented on the future trends in HR regarding what is happening in the world these days and what will it lead to. Starting with google he pointed out about how google has invaded our privacy and how organizations are using it to track us. The best line he communicated regarding the education system is that there is a fine line between knowledge and experience. This he backed with evidences including a teacher-less class, Ted talks and successful business ventures. He conversed that in the future degrees and college brand won’t matter, only value preposition will. Moreover, the new selection criteria will include: cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility, ownership and expertise. The internet will be treated as a resume and google searches redirecting to your slide share, linked-in, Facebook etc. will be considered. The GPA, SAT scores and performance management is out along with no more pay on appraisal. The future of HR will include four things namely outsourced HR, common sensed HR, business focused HR and Innovative HR. In a nutshell, it is a highly VUCA world and every organization is in need of HR.
Mushkbar Arshad (14268)
In today’s conference we witnessed three of the most accomplished HR professionals share their wisdom with all the attendees. Here is the summary of what the three speakers shared with us:
ReplyDelete1) Mr. Salim Azhar: Mr. Azhar once worked as the HR Head of Engro, and is now the HR Head of Indus Motors. The topic of discussion that Mr. Azhar chose for his session was Strategic Human Resource Management. He discussed that positive reinforcement is on tool by which good governance can prevail in an organization since the behavior of the employees can be controlled through it. He also stated that as the market evolves, the complexities in the business also increase (HR complexities as well), and to overcome those complexities, competent employees will be needed as the first company to overcome the complexities will get a global advantage. Another thing the speaker added was that the organizations have a lot at stake to hire good employees, and the companies now do not just want to hire any common person in their organization, they are now heading towards hiring change agents. It was also added that when employees are coming up with new ideas, the organization should then create an environment where employees can voice their opinions and an environment where creativity is encouraged. The honorable speaker concluded the session by saying that status quo is killing the organizations and that organizations should always look for growth.
2) Mr. Gohar Alam: Mr. Alam works for Bayer Pakistan as the Head of HR and holds experience of over 25 years in the field of HR working for some of the big organizations. His topic for the discussion was performance culture, which started with the discussion on the mindsets of the managers in the organization and how it affects the productivity of the employees in the organization. Two examples were giving by Mr. Alam to describe the above case, the first of them was a manager with 20+ years of experience who thought of his employees to be dumb and did not appreciate them saw a decrease in the creativity and productivity of employees, while at the other hand a manager with the same experience valued his employees highly and appreciated them saw an increase in the confidence of the employees with a great increase in the creativity of them. Mr. Alam stated that as the jobs tend to get bigger and as the supply of talented intellectuals decrease, inexperienced personnel will get the jobs at bigger positions. The definition of regard was explained by him as it deems to be the respect given to employees. He explained four types of regards and the transition from one type to another. Conditional positive regard, unconditional positive regard, conditional negative regard and unconditional negative regard. The two unconditional regards are responsive two the relationship of the employee and the boss, while the conditional regards are related to the behavior of the employee.
3) Mr. Shiraz Ahmed: Although a short session, but one of the most interactive sessions was conducted by the learned Mr. Shiraz Ahmed. He started by first explaining that how Google is disrupting the life of a common man, followed by telling that what aims Khan-Academy had and have. Mr. Shiraz gave examples of how an idea can make a person a billionaire and millionaire stating WhatsApp, which was sold to Facebook for $19 billion, and Summly that was sold to Yahoo for $30 million. CVs will be no longer important and the brand of your degree that is your college name will not matter anymore, what will matter are Cognitive ability, emergent leadership, humility, ownership and expertise. The social presence will matter much more than CV, so the SlideShare, LinkedIn and Facebook presence has to be augmented. The future of HR was also discussed as it was said that HR will see a vital change and a split of HR will be seen. The session was concluded by showing two videos, first one showed how passion could lead to attainment of any goal, and the second one showed how experiential learning could help any entrepreneur or any individual who has no knowledge to become a successful entrepreneur and a successful person as learning by experience is the best way to learning.
ReplyDeleteMr Shiraz Ahmed discussed regarding future trends in HR. He added that today’s world is disruptive of Google. Every aspect consist of various elements of google. We use Google at every instant when we perform any task. He shares different point of views of HR perspective by different people and personalities. The future of Hr would be based on auditions not your resume. Degrees are getting out. College branding won’t be helping u anymore in any future field. The new selection criteria of HR will be based in 5 things:
ReplyDelete· Cognitive Ability
· Emergent Leadership
· Humility
· Ownership
· Expectations
You internet is your resume. That is to what ecxtent you are visible at Google search, linkindin, Slideshare, cloud, accounts etc. There will be no more GPA and SAT score which will matter for your resume and interview. Bell curve will be replaced in future. Engaging employees by meaningful work not money will be fruitfull. Your workers are your asset and their retention.
Hina Hakimali
Mr. Gohar Alam Who is an experienced person of about 25+ years of experience. He spokes about Performance culture which symbolizes your mindset whether you keep it low or high according to your ability. It’s basically your physcology and status. We are constantly checking climate of culture likewise in organization and relations with their employees are the priorities. On one hand the companies with high performance are those where managers think their employees are bright, diligent and proactive so they are empowering, supportive, caring, challenging which leads to employees being proactively, open minded, high performing and innovative .He mentioned that in future Jobs are getting bigger. We are not in the process of development which restricted the supply of talent. The truth is that less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs sooner. We need to understand the order of regard or respect which are of four types: unconditional regard which is negative and positive, and conditional regard which is also negative and positively affected. This is a repeated process and meeting point on behavior and relationships. If not covenant with properly it might lead to “DISREGARD”.
ReplyDeleteMr. Salim azhar who is 30 years of experienced in the field of HR. he is the head of HR in Toyota Indus motors. He presented his views on the topic of strategic human resource management. He describes regarding challenging dualities which includes your vision, change, and differentiation i.e. innovation on one hand and other qualities on the other. Basically SHRM is a challenge which is to change attitudes and mind set because the products and processes don’t deliver in isolation. It is basically a best way of doing things. HR must be a strategic direction, diversified and a competitive advantage. The threat to HR specialist is its infrastructure which is a body of HR.
The positioning is held by performance and promotions, T&D, vision and values, remuneration and rewards etc.
Swots strategy also applies to HR which converted to proper directions. He quoted that the “Real turn is when you landed to your workplace not when you leave your workplace. However he move towards to the conclusion that HRM should have a strategic direction with challenge of changing the mindsets and attitudes, as product & processes alone will not deliver
He also highlighted few roles of a leader is who set directions, recognizes your work, build trust, set high standards and expectations.
The session was really an informative one aimed at delivering the true picture of hrm in practical life.
ReplyDeletestarting with Mr.Salim Azhar , Head HR Toyota Indus Motors.
He discussed that:
Hrm has to have a strategic direction.
Organizational self renewal,commitment to execellence and sustained competancies building is the survival kit for Hrm.
Diversity will drive compatible advantage in future.
Challenge is to change attitudes, and mind set. Products and processes alone will not deliver.
Threat is to believe that body without soul
Employee care, satisfaction and spirit in what we are doing, put checklist on what you are actually doing.
How are we positioned performance and rewards and values.
Swot anaylsis strategy applies to hrm.. Everythng has to be converted to employee advantage., corporate body corporate mind n corporate soul.
Moving from tangible asset to emotional asset
He also Enlightened the Role of a leader which includes:
Articulate and affirm values
Enlist inspire empower n enable
Model the way, walk the tawk
Recognise reward motivate and celebrate
Build trust team spirit.
The session was really an informative one aimed at delivering the true picture of hrm in practical life.
ReplyDeletestarting with Mr.Salim Azhar , Head HR Toyota Indus Motors.
He discussed that:
Hrm has to have a strategic direction.
Organizational self renewal,commitment to execellence and sustained competancies building is the survival kit for Hrm.
Diversity will drive compatible advantage in future.
Challenge is to change attitudes, and mind set. Products and processes alone will not deliver.
Threat is to believe that body without soul
Employee care, satisfaction and spirit in what we are doing, put checklist on what you are actually doing.
How are we positioned performance and rewards and values.
Swot anaylsis strategy applies to hrm.. Everythng has to be converted to employee advantage., corporate body corporate mind n corporate soul.
Moving from tangible asset to emotional asset
He also Enlightened the Role of a leader which includes:
Articulate and affirm values
Enlist inspire empower n enable
Model the way, walk the tawk
Recognise reward motivate and celebrate
Build trust team spirit.
Zammina Hashwani
Mr. Gohar discussed about the performance culture, it is to learn mindset and to learn mindset there comes status. which is pyshological need. He then said that jobs are getting bigger and that means that responsibilities are increasing. He pointed that HR is not developing and so current job cannot be done with development. It was then discussed that supply of talent is getting smaller and due to which development of skills is very much necessary. He pointed that in future less experienced people will be getting bigger jobs. An organization must create a climate of appreciation, because performance culture is beyond performance management and performance appraisals. He also suggested us to acquire skills after our graduation because skills are now really hard to find. Organizations must develop, retain and understand their employees to make them stay longer.
ReplyDeletesession was further countinued with sir shiraz's presentation, ehich was quiet inspirational.
Sir Shiraz presented on the future trends in HR regarding what is happening in the world these days and what will it lead to.Starting with google he pointed out about how google has invaded our privacy and how organizations are using it to track us. The best line he communicated regarding the education system is that there is a fine line between knowledge and experience.
he further discussed VUCA that is volatile uncertain complex ambiguos.
all we need is passion to compete the world.experiential learning can help us in this.
He shared some interesting points like today’s world is disrupted by Google, objectives of business school these days are not teaching but learning of students, future recruitment is not based on Cv all the people need to use LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter because from here employers will base recruitment decision on, your college branding doesn’t play any role but your skill will be counted, the new selection criteria will be based on learning ability not GPA or SAT scores. He also gave examples of Samsung, Whatsapp etc.
Zammina Hashwani
First speaker talked about the changing imperatives in which he comprehensively discuussed about the affect of globalization and growth factors and how this is an opportunity for the world, at second he discuused about career opportunities and how loyalty in general is declining in terms of professional means, he also talked about how employee’s values and expectation have changed over time,first speaker also talked the challenge of fullfilling the dual aspects of objectives and goals and how it needs to be balanced in order to comprehend one another, at third the speaker talked abouth the improtance of goal orientation and strategic direction for a company and he also emphasized about the need of changing attitudes and mindset within a organisation, he than further added the concept of body without a soul to his talk, at the end the speaker talked about eight characteristic of a leader that should be present in the job specification of a leader.
ReplyDeleteSecond speaker talked about low performance culture in which he described about how perception of an employer regarding an employee can alter his/her controll and management structure which can in turn drastically affect employee motivation and performance within a company, at second most importantly he talked about unconditional and conditional regard and how positive and negative aspect of both of it can alter the attitude of an employee within an organisation.
Third speaker was very unconventional in his talk, he talked about the changing time and changing perimeters of human resource management, at first he talked about recruitment through audition instead of resumes, at second he talked about how degrees over time will become unwanted and the new selection criteria can be things like
-cognitive ability
-Emergent leadership
At third he talked about how internet can become the new resume, your activity on google,facebook, twitter and etc can become a big mirror for your abilities and expertise, At fourth he talked about the future of Human resource and four possible shape of it: .1. Outsource HR .2. Common-sensed HR .3. Reskilled HR .4.Innovative HR, at the end he concluded with the fact that how much an organisation needs HR and how HR should be a business driver and futurist in the coming time.
BY : Syed Owais Ahmed
ID = 13536