We sometimes become too much occupied in our routine that all we do is just follow the same pattern either willingly or unwillingly. The reason behind this is that we, most of the time, fail to remember WHY we actually started.  Did it ever happen to you that you suddenly blacked-out halfway through something and asked yourself "Why am I doing this?"
Well, to avoid yourself from asking these questions in your 30s you have to do something in your 20s. No not just learning. These extra efforts which will eventually become a part of your daily routine but will add productivity and meaning to your life instead of monotony and frustration. The benefits of such additional stuff will not be visible instantly. Instead, they will serve as long-term payback in the form of personality characteristics. These are:


It is not merely skimming though facebook feeds or boring course books. It is the voluntary input and desire for enhancing limited knowledge. Reading will not only add up to your brain memory-card but it will modify your traditional and enforced opinions. Read classics, articles, modern researches, best sellers in short READ EVERYTHING. Be open to learning from everything and everywhere. You’ll be surprised to see that how limited your approach was and how your brain-windows were long shut for any development and insight.
And once you’ve started off with routine reading, do give a read to Stephen. R. Covey. That’s surely a must read.


Now put your ideas and readings to words. Let the world know what you know. Spread your dreams, thoughts and fantasies. Reading will serve only if you apply and multiply what you know. Be creative with your mind palace. Use attractive vocab. Suggest ideas, benefits and insights to the reader. Take responsibility in making opinions and you’ll become pro at writing anything anytime. Writing outperforms reading as it describes individual capabilities and makes you different from a commoner. It requires deep thinking, creativity and pattern making which are the core skills most people lack in. Hence, composition is one key habit that brings in extra skills baggage along with it for free. So, go grab it!


Mania is when you wildly run after what you love most. The passion, the obsession for the work you do. Be it binge-watching Netflix series, playing 8-ball pool or simply handling a bunch of crazy people. When you’re obsessed with what you do, you excel. So to shine later, become a maniac today. Give your task enough time and concentration. Do what you love. Find your strengths today and polish them...Enhance them. As Steve Jobs says STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH. Look for the opportunities just as you look for food in the fridge at midnight. Do not compromise and never settle for anything less. Use your resources, even scanty, wisely and properly. Demand more from yourself. Dive in the high tides and see how far you can go. Challenge and then beat yourself. Now this, I guarantee, will bring EXCELLENCE in everything you’ll go after.


Distractions vary from person to person. But once you develop to respond to these distractions all the haste goes away. There are high chances of job switch if you rush through stuff just to see your phone.  Sometimes friends, phone, colleagues, irrelevant conversations, futile activities serve as major distractions. The goal you’re running after gets lost somewhere in the thick storm of distractions. So, push yourself out of the things you consider to be wasting your time and energy. A research says that every woman spends almost a year of her life deciding what to wear. Enough said.


Sometimes you work out mentally by reading. But physical workout is equally important. It does not only increase your stamina but also boosts your energy. A person automatically lies into a systematic routine. A lot of us experience lack of time, improper day-segmentation and work distribution throughout the day. This habit serves as the key regulator of your mind-body relationship. Many of the successful corporate leaders start their day with waking up early and then working out. Start your day with fast paced activities like going to gym, exercising or simply running in the fresh morning air. This will change your frustrated slow mind and yes, nothing better than burning some extra kilos right?


Yes. Stop complaining about bad weather, rude boss, the teacher who gives homework, idiot friend, talkative parent, corrupt politicians, traffic etc etc because honestly no one wants to hear that. It shows that you are not at all resistant and adaptive. This can cost you a lot in your professional life. People usually avoid this sort of negative company around them and you may face avoided stares or refusal straight away. Most of the times it reveals your IQ level as well like how limited you think, how opinionated you are, how anything can never ever satisfy you. So if you fall in this category, start working on it and stop thinking about toxic people.

A person is never the same every day. He changes and becomes a whole new being. Therefore, he must strive to become better and better with each passing day. Be open to learning. Keep modifying because it is the need of time.


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