Guest Speaker Session by Mr. Wali Zahid.

Mr. Wali Zahid, a Futurist and a C-level Coach, joined the leadership class at IoBM, for a guest speaker session. He spoke of how Change within an organization can be managed and led.
While managing change, a manager only lowers the expectations of the people and delivers certain outcomes without any mischief. But for a leader, when he deals with Change, he creates a process of change where you have no news about the future or what’s in store now. The change is DISRUPTIVE. It is riotous and you are never aware what’s coming your way.

For anyone who induces change, are meant to face a bad response. People are not generally comfortable while they are pulled out of their comfort zone and hence they show resistance and every change initiative will lead to resentment. But it is integral, that they are allowed to express themselves

Whenever change is inculcated, it is passes through different stages. This starts from shock, when the customer is not okay with change being introduced and he goes in to denial, then he faces anger and depression and then acceptance. Next, a person becomes part of the change and starts to integrate it in his work.

There are also people who are prochange. For a leader, these are his followers who actually believe in him and trust his verdict. But even when change is taking place, they do feel negative emotions. They are of course unsure too, hence such emotions rise. This is called Initial Unrealistic Optimism, where they remain positive about the change regardless of them not being sure.

People can also be segmented, as to how they deal with change. Early adopters are the ones who quickly adapt to change. Early minority wait to adopt change until they are sure they will get value from it. The early majority will only adopt a change if they are sure the new product will provide usefulness to their lives .Late majority wait until all are already accepting the change. Laggards are the latest to adopt a change.

People will deal with change depending upon what personalities they own. There are risk takers, who are hesitant about accepting change. There are also moderate risk takers who take action after their certain calculations. Innovators are those who tend to accept change readily and show no resistance.
To guess what sort of a Team Management Profile you own there are 4 things you need to consider, Relationship, Information, Decision Making, Organizing (RIDO). This can help a leader gauge as to how they can organize themselves and others and whether you are an introvert or an extrovert and oif you are prochange or not.

Generally, people who are analytical, take calculated risks. When the data changes, their decision changes. Also, there are belief based people who are resistant of change and can only accept change if their beliefs change.
Conclusively, Mr. Wali Zahid added to his discussion that managers succeed if they are let to be failed. They learn from the experiences. But does a man even learn? Does he even grasp lessons and bend his ways to practice the lessons he has learnt?


  1. According to the guest speaking session of Mr. Wali Zahid on the topic of the Leading Change we got the knowledge about the two perspectives that are use for executive narrow specific areas. There is a managing change and other type is leading change and these both are different. Managing change is about meeting expectations, managing expectations and in the managing expectations they reduce expectations. Adjusting to new situation this is the managing change. In managing change we make plans, initiatives and we set the time limit that in specific period of time we will deliver.
    On the other hand in the leading change we create a process of change but we don’t know the outcomes. It is disruptive and it is different from the current reality here we can say that we bring the 180 degree change. Sometimes in the leading change there are some issues that come in the way are the people’s immediate reactions, disbelieving and the natural responses come. According to Mr.Wali Zahid there are the stages of change it includes: Denial, Agressicveness, Compromise, negotiation and then finally acceptance come. Whenever we start the initiative Initial unrealistic optimist are the people who are with you at the initial stage so there is always uncertainty exist.
    Whenever the change comes early adopters are the people who first adopt the change and they are the one who first accept and on the other hand laggers are the people who in the end accept the change and they are the people who wait until product get established. When talk about the personality so there are some people who take risk and those who are moderate they late adopt the technology. In the session the concept of RIDO has also discussed where R stands for the Relationship that how we build relationship at workplace, I stand for the Information which tells how we process information at workplace. D for decision making that how we make decision at workplace and O for organization that how we organize our self and others at workplace.
    For the decision making there are two psychological words which are Analytical and the Belief based. In analytical it is open to change it can be define as the data changes decision change. In belief based there are people who resist change come in this category and here as the data change will the decision change? Comes in it we can say that belief based is the religious leaders. Today the Pakistani business challenge is scale .According to him Pakistan will be the 18th largest economy in 2018. With the reference to the concept of VUCA Sir Wali Zahid has develop Tolerance for failure, Tolerance for mistake, Data uncertainty and the data ambiguity. According to him to measure human is difficult. Pakistan is improving its situation as compare to the years back in 90s when the crises were at the top so Pakistan is now developing. In a nut shell in the session we had the detail emphasis on the main areas which were Disruptive, Resentment, Stages, Curve, Personality and Segmentations.

  2. We had a guest speaker session on the change leadership in which Mr. Wali Zahid shared his valuable insights on the change leadership. According to him change leadership can be better understood if we know the difference of managing the change and leading the change. Managing the change means managing expectations of the people, in other words telling people not to expect much. For examples if oil prices decreases the oil companies will have to restructure the companies in which man layoffs will also be taken place now the HR team needs to manage the change by preparing the employees for the upcoming challenge however, leading the change is creating a process of change which’s outcome you don’t know. It is also called disruptive change. When you initiate change in the company or anywhere in the world the responses that you get will be resenting. There are two stages of the change management process one is initial unrealistic optimism; that is the people who are with you when you initiate the change. Second is the informed pessimism which means that as people starts to see the possible hurdles caused by the change they start to step back and their willingness to adopt change declines. Adapting change highly depends on the personality type of people to whom change is offered. There are risk takers, who are hesitant about accepting change. There are also moderate risk takers who take action after their certain calculations. Innovators are those who tend to accept change readily and show no resistance. To have a team management profile leaders need to have four things. RIDO R= Relationship that leaders build at work, I= information that they process at work, D= decision that they make at work and O= how they organize people at work. We see the decision making ability of the leader as pro change and anti change. There are two types of decision types, one is analytical and the other is belief based. The analytical leaders are always open to change as the data changes their decision also changes whereas, belief based leaders are always anti change as the data changes their decision doesn’t change. For examples if a leaders thinks that using mobile phones is destructive and hence should not be promoted then no matter what advancement occur in this area they will never target that sector or move in to technologies as their belief is still there and they don’t go against in no matter how much bigger the opportunity cost is. At the end of the session Mss. Sara also shared her experience of changing herself from no hijabi to a niqabi girl. According to her change can be easily adopted if implemented bit by bit. Enforcing a change to someone in a one go makes people rebel and hard to accept.

  3. Mr Waleed Zahid, one of the pleasant personalities came to share his views about change and change leadership. He said that managing change and leading change are the two different things. To manage change is to manage expectations. This makes sure that change is not out of control in order to bring acceptance amongst people. On the other hand leading change is about creating a process of change which outcomes you do not know. It is disruptive change.
    When a change initiative is taken people react to it in resentment. They at times feel insecure and gossip about change and organization instability. There is a denial in people but in the end they accept it. To make them accept change the most important thing is take slow steps towards change and be consistent in it.
    There are different stages in change and different reactions as people react to it. There is a pro change team including executive people who even get negative vibes about change. The initial phase is unrealistic optimism then the middle phase of informed pessimism and the last is informed optimism.
    There people who fall into different categories like innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and finally the laggards. People lie in these parameters based on their risk taking attitudes, age and beliefs. Moreover, it is important to know that which kind of personality brings change. There are two sets of people the first ones are analytical who are open to change as data changes they change. The second group consists of belief based who resist to change as data changes they don’t change. They change only if they belief in certain thing which matches their belief.

  4. TAYYABA ZIAUDDIN PARACHANovember 28, 2016 at 11:00 PM

    Mr. Wali Zahi joined our leadership class for a guest speaker session. He spoke of how Change within an organization can be managed and led. There is an managing change and other sort is leading change and these both are distinctive. Managing change is about meeting desires, managing desires and in the managing desires they diminish desires. Acclimating to new circumstance this is the managing change. In managing change we make arrangements, activities and we set the time furthest reaches that in particular timeframe we will convey.
    Then again in the main change we make a procedure of progress however we don't have the foggiest idea about the results. It is problematic and it is not the same as the present reality here we can state that we bring the 180 degree change. Now and again in the main change there are a few issues that come in the way are the general population's prompt responses, distrusting and the normal reactions come. As per Mr.Wali Zahid there are the phases of progress it incorporates: Denial, Agressicveness, Compromise, arrangement and after that at last acknowledgment come. At whatever point we begin the activity Initial unlikely hopeful person are the general population who are with you at the underlying stage so there is dependably instability exist.
    At the point when a change activity is taken individuals respond to it in negatively. They now and again feel uncertain and chatter about change and association shakiness. There is a refusal in individuals yet at last they acknowledge it. To roll out them acknowledge improvement the most critical thing is make moderate strides towards change and be predictable in it. Then There are individuals who are prochange. For a pioneer, these are his followers who really have confidence in him and trust his decision. Be that as it may, notwithstanding when change is occurring, they do feel negative feelings. They are obviously uncertain as well, consequently such feelings rise, but they stay positive about the change paying little heed to them not being certain.
    In the process of change Early adopters are the ones who rapidly adjust to change. Early minority hold up to receive change until they are certain they will get esteem from it. The early greater part will just embrace a change in the event that they are certain the new item will give helpfulness to their lives .Late lion's share hold up until all are as of now tolerating the change. Slow pokes are the most recent to embrace a change. There are daring individuals, who are reluctant about tolerating change. There are additionally direct daring individuals who make a move after their specific estimations. Trend-setters are the individuals who have a tendency to acknowledge change promptly and demonstrate no resistance.
    To have a team management profile leaders need to have four things. RIDO R for Relationship that leaders build at work, I for information that they process at work, D for decision that they make at work and O for how they organize people at work. For the basic leadership there are two kinds of approaches Analytical and the Belief based approach.

  5. Mr. Wali Zahid, a Futurist and a C-level Coach conducted a session as a guest speaker. He started session with the difference between change management and change leadership.
    Managing change and change management is trying to push things along, but it’s trying to minimize disruptions, i.e., keep things under control. It’s trying to make sure change is done efficiently in the sense of you don’t go over budget—another control piece. It’s done with various kinds of relationships that are given names like “executive sponsors,” where the executive sponsor watches over this thing to make sure that it proceeds in an orderly way.
    Change leadership is an engine. It’s more about urgency. It’s more about masses of people who want to make something happen. It’s more about big visions. It’s more about empowering lots and lots of people. Change leadership has the potential to get things a little bit out of control.
    Natural response of change is always resenting, dislike.
    Change management is disruptive. He also told that managing expectation is telling people don’t expect much. There are eight stages of change leadership. There is a method of RIDO (Relationship Information Decision making Organizing) i.e. how you manage relationship at workplace to manage TMP (Team Management profile).
    The one who accept change immediately are risk taker by personality and who does not accept change immediately are moderators.
    Decision making is analytic and belief based. Analytic decision maker are open to change, as the data changes; decision change. While belief based decision making resist to change. Data change but decision not changed.

    There is a curve that describes the stages of adaptation of change / innovation.
    In a curve first are early adapter and last are laggards. Laggards doesn’t accept change easily.

    In the end he said that people should be allowed to fail. Learning comes from failure. People learn from the experiences or from their mistakes.

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