Future Trends in Training and Development
Today we are living in a knowledge-based economy, where Value is the product of ‘knowledge’ and ‘Information’. I belong to Training and Teaching profession where I am suppose to either ‘Add’ or ‘Create’ value through dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of this post is to share my thoughts on ‘future trends in Training & development, teaching and learning’. So what’s the difference between training and learning!
Training is:
- Content based
- Issues oriented
- Led by Instructor
Whereas learning is:
- Continuous process
- Self directed
- Contextual
When we talk for future of training and learning, then two things are important is this regard:
- Creation of knowledge
- Sharing of knowledge
In future the creation and sharing of knowledge is ‘free’; following will be the powerful sources in training and learning:
1. Google: this organization needs no introduction. started in 1996, as a research project by Larry page and Sergery Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University.
The mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". Now at this stage Google has got all answers except ‘death’; there are more than 32 billion searches every year. The mission of google is to organize world’s knowledge and make it accessible to everyone.

2. Blogs: most of the knowledge and content creation will be through blog.

3. Khan Academy – Salman Khan initiated this not for profit project with the aim of having a teacher-less class and free world class education for everyone. Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, initially taught his relatives on the internet back when the millennium started. He uploaded videos on YouTube which caught attention of the public because of the way he displayed knowledge by online interactive methods.

He then started Khan Academy which now is a non-profit organization funded by the world’s most renowned entities. His idea was unique and the reason for his success was the way he disseminated his learning and training. The approach is to share knowledge through video tutorials which are in the form of 6000 lectures. These tutorials have been watched over 440 million times. By 2013, there were 10 million students per month benefiting from it.
4. MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses is an on-line course through web, you can say a new form of distance or e-learning; it is an interactive approach where people from different parts of world share their knowledge in the form of communities. Here you can take course from the world’s best university with the world’s best teacher, it is completely free! The trend of Mooc is rising dramatically.
According to The New York Times, 2012 became "the year of the MOOC". Recently YAHOO finishes university sponsor education and collaborated with COURSERA to develop technical courses on 100$ each. MOOC is the rave for the youth right now as willing individuals jump on this new bandwagon. One part you may have noticed about this type of learning is that it is usually free and accessible from anywhere on the planet. MOOC are already in the stretch as individuals and groups are taking advantage of them by interacting with the world’s best universities and best teachers in all fields.

The best part about them is their ease of accessibility.

5. TED – (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private Sapling Foundation, under the slogan: "Ideas Worth Spreading.
Here experts of the subject share

their insights completely free. There are different themes where scientist, businessmen, researchers, scholars share their valuable insights. Over 1700 free talks are available online and these talks have been watched over one billion times worldwide.
6. Social – in future learning will be social, people will use ‘Yammer’, Adobe Connect and Google Hangouts to get their queries resolved. Usually Gen Y prefers to learn from their peers and colleagues.
Lat but the least learning will be mobile (anytime and anywhere) and the focus will be continuous capability development.
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