Future Trends in Training and Development

Today we are living in a knowledge-based economy, where Value is the product of ‘knowledge’ and ‘Information’. I belong to Training and Teaching profession where I am suppose to either ‘Add’ or ‘Create’ value through dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of this post is to share my thoughts on ‘future trends in Training & development, teaching and learning’. So what’s the difference between training and learning! Training is: Content based Issues oriented Led by Instructor Whereas learning is: Continuous process Self directed Contextual When we talk for future of training and learning, then two things are important is this regard: Creation of knowledge Sharing of knowledge In future the creation and sharing of knowledge is ‘free’; following will be the powerful sources in training and learning: 1. Google : this organization needs no introduction. started in 1996, as a research project by Larry page and Sergery Brin when they were both PhD students a...