
Showing posts from September, 2016

Guest talk by Himra Mursil on Talent Management

Ms Himra Mursil is currently working as a General Manager Human Resources at BASF. She worked at different Multinational Corporations, like GSK and Unilever with the best of her experience and achieved great success at multiple levels.  Her Session in our class was about Talent Management where she explained on how to coach, mentor and its importance, she said that HR personnel had to get at fore front and work accordingly, According to her Talent Management comprises of 3 steps which are as follows 1. Attract 2. Retain 3. Develop Attraction according to her can be done through social media websites LinkedIn where one have to keep update his profile in well mannered form, once one is hired he needs to get molded according to organization culture, on boarding is of utmost requirement. Development stage leads to planning the training need analysis, on job training is done and off site training is done. She also explained that 70% of learning is done ...

Guest Talk by Abbas Sajjad, Head Marketing and Sales - Atlas Asset Management

Leaders are not self appointed but chosen- with that said, Abbas Sajid ,the Head of Marketing Sales & Investor Services at Atlas Asset Management Limited, caught the attention of the students of Leadership class in IoBM, while giving a guest speaker session about Transformational Leadership. With an experience of working with Atlas group for a while he spoke of his transformational leadership experiences. He said every man has a natural instinct of being a leader. But if he is high on the Emotional Quotient, he might have to ignore the idea because it’s a stressful job. Losing his emotions on the wrong day might be costly for him and the team. HE spoke of how a leader needs to always be selfless. He needs to have a broader view beyond his own personal preferences and projections. HE should look at the bigger picture to see what is best for the whole of organization.  His focus should be on the value of Equality. Every team member should get the same amount of sup...