How Leaders Influence without Authority - Mr. Naeemuddin Syed (Group Director Projects, Geo News)

Our Leadership class of MBA has to be the most interactive and informative one. In almost every class, our great teacher Sir Shiraz Ahmed invites a guest speaker who is a leader in his or her field of work so that we students can learn from his experiences. On February 15th, 2020 the guest speaker was Mr. Naeem who is a well-known media personality. He holds an experience of good 25 years in the field of media. He is currently working with Geo News and his prior experiences have been with credible media channels including BOL, Express-News, and Dawn. Having such an honorable personality among us was only a great achievement and blessing. Mr.Naeem talked about leadership and what it means to him. He gave us the example of the Perfect Man to ever walk on this beautiful planet, none other than Prophet Mohammad PBUH which is no surprise to any of us as many times the same example has been given to us by our amazing teacher S...